Steve Rogers X Reader - Yoga

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"steve, you may be close to a century old, but your not decrepit!" i chuckled, watching as the soldier held his back.

"well miss y/n, i suppose all the fighting has done me a bad turn," he chuckled, rolling his shoulders.

"i have an idea," i smirked, grabbing his wrist and pulling him after me.

"whats this great idea ma'am?"

"you'll see captain, youll see,"

-----------------time skip brought to you by the eye of agamotto-----------------------

"what in gods creation is that?" steve asked, looking bewildered at the colourful building.

"thats a yoga studio captain," i chuckled.


"oh, you bend yourself into compromising positions in order to soothe aching joints," i laughed, admiring his frightened look.

"miss, i think ill sit this one out,"

"nuh-uh, your coming with me capsicle!"

Steves eyes widened, and i pulled him after me into the studio.

After going to the changing rooms and changing into spandex and sweatbands, the laughter was spilling from me.

As steve walked out of his changing cubicle, i hunched over in a howl.

He was clad in spandex with tight under leggings, a headband and a green tank tee.

Pure gold, if id ever seen it.

"ma'am, whats so funny?" he chuckled slightly.

"nothing, you look great cap, come on,"

We walkes into the room, everyone paired in doubles.

Sitting down on our mats, the instructor began.

"namaste, welcome to couples yoga," she smiled.

"COUPLES YOGA?" steve whisper yelled.

"shush yourself," i whispered.

"okay, first position, downward dog," the instructor chirp.

"sometimes i wish i was still in that ice," steve huffed, copying my form.

A blush splayed his cheeks as i bent downward into my stretch.

"like what you see captain?" i joked.

"thats for me to know, and you to never find out," he smiled.

"okay, next stretch, bunk beds, for you first timers, this is when one partner lays flat, and the other grabs their ankles with there arms, kapische?"
The instructor said.

"whos top?"  i said, bursting into laughter.

"you," steve mumbled shyly.

"ow," steve whinced as my foot hit him in the face.

"sorry capsicle, class is almost done," i laughed, successfully completing the stretch.

"okay, thank you for attending the taster yoga class, see you next week," the instructor smiled, once again.


"thank the nines!"  steve huffed as we arrived back at the Avengers tower.

Little did we know, each avenger had already arrived.

"uh, did you guys fondue?" bucky laughed.

Steve went bright red.

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