Sub! Reader X Stark X Strange

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Contents : bi! Strange, bi! Stark, mlm, wlm, threesome, submissive reader.

Anonymous request

It was a typical day for the avengers. Out fighting crime, being heroic to the world.

Yet, no so heroic to me, who they left with stark in his lab, to work on mark 56.

I could think of nothing better than kicking some alien ass, and im stuck here, with mr. Billionare playboy philanthropist.

Lucky me.


"miss y/n" he called from the other side of the lab.

"what, you insufferable roach," i groaned, slugging over to him.

He handed me a wrench, staring vexed at the helmet of mark 56.

"whats the issue? Why wont it work?" he asked.

I simply picked up the drill, unscrewed the tectonic plasma panel, and secured it to the motherboard in the hard drive. Seems simple.

Surely enough, the helmet started with a blue hue, and switched on.

"you are a wonder," stark awed, seemingly in complete adoration.

"magical things can happen when your ego isnt clouding your cognition!" i chuckled, watching as he stormed off with purpose.

"aha!" i heard from the other room.

"what now,"

"i know just where to find my next source of power, beyond this realm itself,"

"and where might that be smart ass, uranus?" i laughed.

Stark tutted, " no, the sanctum, a few blocks from here"

"the what what?"

"sanctum, you know, doctor strange, magical orange portals, wizardry, warlocks,"

"im still in the blue here Tony," i sighed.

"fine, ill take you to meet the music man while i bribe him into lending me his magic mumbo jumbo,"

"sounds like a fair deal. Is he ego-tastic?"

"very much so,"

"great. Ill be basking in an endless pool of self-righteousness then," i sighed, following stark into his lavish jaguar sports car.


We arrived outside of a large, mansion looking building, just off the center streets of new york.

Stark chewed his lip all ride, which meant one of two things.

He was either angry, or he had a crush.

I figured he was angry at first.

That was until we walked inside the "sanctum", and met the man residing there.

Hell knows i wont blame stark for liking him, the man is fine.

"good afternoon, im doctor Stephen strange," he smiled, offering his hand.

Mid-way shaking it, we teleported, and in a vertigo fashion i fell on my backside.

"my apologies," he said in a low, deep voice.

"no worries, im glad to not have to endure starks voice for a while, it appears you have reduced him mute," i chuckled, earning a smile from Stephen.

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