Chapter 9: Danger

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Ignore the mistakes
Chapter 9: Danger

Taehyung and Jugkyung were In the elevator, they were going to the restroom on the 3rd floor. When they went out of the elevator.


At the restroom


Taehyung was holding Jugkyung's hand and they went in the restroom.

"Jugkyung, here." Taehyung said and he opened the cubicle.

Jugkyung got inside and Taehyung waited for him. While waiting, someone come inside and went into another cubicle, Taehyung just ignores it.

"Taetae hyung, I'm done." Jugkyung said and come out of the cubicle.

"Come here, wash your hands," Taehyung said and carried him.

He put Jugkyung on the counter and teach him how to wash his hand. Jugkyung was playing with the bubbles.

"What a beautiful angel." They heard a raspy voice behind him and spanks Taehyung's ass.

Taehyung turns around and he pushed the guy off away from him.

"You are crazy!" Taehyung said and was about to carry Jugkyung but the guy pulled his hand and punched his stomach.

The guy threw Taehyung on the cold tiles while hovering on top of him.

"Leave me!" Taehyung said squirming.

"Don't hurt Taetae hyung! Tito Jeon will hurt you!" Jugkyung said and he jumped off the counter then bite the guy's left arm.

"Arggh!" The guy pushed him and he attacks Taehyung's neck, he was between Taehyung's legs and pinning his hands above his head.

Jugkyung winced in pain, he saw the spray that has liquid soap in it. He took it and hit the guy's head and back.

"Don't be such an ass-ARGGHHH!" The guy screams in pain when Jugkyung sprays his eyes because he looks at Jugkyung.

Taehyung punched his face and kick his groins. Taehyung carried Jugkyung and they run out of the restroom. They heard the footsteps following them. Taehyung saw the elevator opened, he got inside, the guy tries to stop it by blocking his hands on the elevator but Taehyung kicked his hand and punched his haw before the elevator has finally closed.

Taehyung slumped on the elevator, he was crying while Jugkyung crying to him and nuzzling to his chest. Taehyung hugged Jugkyung closed to him. They heard the elevator has opened, Taehyung looked up and saw Jin.

"Taehyung, what happened?" Jin asked worriedly and he squats down.

Taehyung just cried and clutched to him.

"Sir, what happened?" Jin's guard asked.

"Call Jungkook, now!" Jin said.

The guard left running, while Jin caressing Taehyung's back.

"Hyung" Jungkook uttered.

Jin broke the hugs and Jungkook saw Taehyung with red and puffy eyes. There's a media behind and beside him, but J-hope shooed them away.

"Jungkookie!" Taehyung cried and he made a grabby hand.

He stands up and hugged Jungkook.

"T-Tito Jeon, Tito, kill him! H-he hurts Taetae hyung! Kill him!" Jugkyung said Jin carrying him.

"Who did this?! Who did this Taehyung?!" Jungkook asked solemnly.

Taehyung whimpered and he clutched to Jungkook's blazer. Taehyung hands balled into a fist.

"Tito Jeon! H-he's jerker than you! He hurts Taetae hyung! H-he touched Taetae hyung!" Jugkyung said still crying while Jin caressing his back.

Jungkook cupped Taehyung's cheeks, he felt a pang in his heart as he saw Taehyung's eyes.

"Please, tell me, who did this?" Jungkook asked softly.

"I-I don't know Jungkookie, h-he just came, I-I thought h-he's no one but h-he spank my taebooty." Taehyung cried.

Jungkook removes his blazer and puts it to Taehyung, he carried Taehyung like a bridal style.

"Namjoon, find who's that asshole who tried to rape Taehyung. Check all the CCTV or anything else to find him. I will kill him! Move out from my sight or I will kill all of you!" Jungkook yelled to the media who immediately back off.

"Okay, I will do anything, Jungkook." Namjoon said.

Taehyung whimpered and he hides his face on Jungkook's chest. They left the party, Jinhoo hurriedly opened the door car for them. Jungkook carefully hopped inside with Taehyung on his lap. Jin bought Jugkyung with him. Taehyung snuggling into Jungkook's chest and Jungkook holding like a fragile glass.

"Jinhoo, if Namjoon hyung text or calls, go to him and make sure to bring that someone who harassed Taehyung, understood." Jungkook inquired.

"As you say, boss." Jinhoo said.

"J-Jungkook, duh-don't kill please." Taehyung said as he looked at him.

"Just sleep, honey. We'll talk when you're fine." Jungkook said.

"But Jungkook" Taehyung uttered.

Jungkook pulled his chin and kissed him. Taehyung clutched to Jungkook's shoulder and closed his eyes. Jungkook's lips move softly and carefully. He pulled away and wiped out the tears off his eyes.

"Sleep well, I'm here beside you, I will protect you." Jungkook said.

Taehyung just sighed and he snuggled on Jungkook's chest.

"Sir, we're here." Jinhoo said and he opened the door car for them.

Jungkook hopped out with Taehyung in his arms.

"What happened?" Minwong asked Jinhoo once he closed the gate.

"You'll know soon, but you had to prepare for the torture, our hands will be bloody again." Jinhoo sighed.

Jungkook brought Taehyung into their room, he carefully laid him on the bed. He covered him with a blanket and stared at him. He saw a disgusting mark on Taehyung's neck. He hovered on top of him and sucks where the mark is. Taehyung moaned in his sleep and Jungkook pulled away.  He saw his marks on him and he smirked. His phone ding and he looked for it.

Jugkyung was with me, take care of Taehyung and about the guy. Namjoon was searching for him.

Jungkook just read it and he laid beside Taehyung. He pulled him closer to him. Whether Taehyung said not to kill someone, he won't do that, he will kill that guy like how he did to the staff of his mall. He will do anything just to protect him from any danger and he will find out where is Taehyung's father.


At somewhere


"You did a good job, I'll pay you and make sure for your safety."

"Okay, boss."

He flinched when he heard the door of his house open. He gulps when he saw Jeon's men in front of his house, before he can run, he got punched and kicked.

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