Chapter Two: Potato

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Luckily you and Sasha were assigned to the same housing building once the wagon arrived at the training corps. It had been a long and bumpy ride in the wagons, and you rubbed your backside as you slowly walked towards the worn building. Unbelievably, Sasha had managed to sleep nearly the entire journey, her head lolling upon your shoulder. Thus, she was nearly bouncing along with excitement as you trudged inside the sleeping quarters.

At the end of each bed was a folded uniform and extra sleeping clothes. Tucking the extra clothes under your pillow, you unpacked your bag and situated yourself for the evening while Sasha casually chatted with a petite blonde girl. You hadn't bothered to introduce yourself to anyone, and it seemed most of the girls in the residence were also rather quiet for their first night before training.

You had been given your evening meal while still on the wagon, but you were just dozing towards sleep when Sasha crawled over to you in the darkened room to beg for more food. You hissed as she poked your cheek. "I don't have food, Sasha. Go to sleep, they'll feed us in the morning." Sasha whined, but you didn't bother to open your eyes and after a few more minutes of her poking she finally relented and returned to the bed next to yours. Smiling to yourself, you couldn't help but accept that although you were both away from home, some things never changed.

Bright, hot sun beamed down on you. You could feel sweat on the back of your neck as you stood in formation with the other recruits. Commander Keith Sadies was striding up the line, yelling and insulting random recruits. It was his Rite of Passage, but you almost found the insults funny; unable to help the small smirk when a short blonde boy named Armin was nearly put to tears.

"Who the hell are you?" Keith screamed, nearly spitting in the face of a boy about your own height who stood a few people over from you.

"I'm Jean Kirstein from Trost, sir!" He yelled back confidently.

"What are you here for?"

Jean looked surprised at the question, but then answered. "To join the Military Police Brigade and reside in the Inner District, sir," he said smugly, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at his answer.

"I see. So, you wanna live in the Inner District?" Keith asked patronizingly.

"Yes, sir." Jean replied, grinning proudly.

A moment later, Jean was on his knees while clutching his face after Commander Keith headbutted him. "Who gave you permission to sit?" Keith yelled and you almost barked a laugh at his comment. "If you can't even handle that, you'll never make it into the Military Police Brigade!"

Next, Keith turned to a sweet looking boy with freckled cheeks. The boy, Marco, nearly shit his pants after Keith was finished with him. Next, Keith grabbed a boy by his head, holding him up at arms' length and shaking him like a naughty dog, when something caught his attention.

You had been watching Keith interrogating your fellow recruits and failed to notice what was going on right beside you. When Keith's gaze of horrified anger looked in your direction, you paled, wondering what you'd done to earn that look. Your momentary worry was broken at the munching sound next to you.

"Hey, you." All eyes were then on Sasha. "What the hell are you doing?"

Sasha glanced at you in confusion, seemingly ignorant of your silent pleading to put down the goddamn potato. Absolutely oblivious, she didn't seem to realize his focus was directed on her until he suddenly loomed above her, screaming. "You! I'm talking to you! Who the fuck are you?!"

Sasha chewed frantically and swallowed loudly before tucking her arms in salute. "I'm Sasha Braus from Dauper, in Wall Rose's Southern District, sir."

"Sasha Braus," Keith repeated, his words like venom. "What's that you're holding in your right hand?"

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