Chapter Six: Snowstorm

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That first survival test was easy compared to their upcoming one. You looked back on that five-day trip in the woods with longing, remembering the warmth and peacefulness. Plus your group had gotten full marks since some rations remained and all supplies were in perfect condition. However, the upcoming test was about your durability; the snowstorm exercise was a twenty-kilometer trek that finished at a mountain basecamp.

The wagons were to leave at daybreak for the starting point, and you shivered in the blustery snowstorm as you struggled towards the eating hall. It was pitch black outside, barely five in the morning, so you had to follow the lit lanterns outside the buildings until you reached the hall. Slipping through a side door, you breathed a sigh of relief at the warmth inside. The smell of breakfast was strong, and the hall was already half-filled even though it was still rather early. Pulling the fur-lined hood down, you shook off the snow and moved to grab a tray of breakfast.

Reiner had saved your usual spot beside him where you collapsed tiredly and leaned on him as he wrapped a warm arm around your shivering shoulders as greeting. You two had become close friends since the survival test, and you often spent time outside of training together. It was now regular for Reiner and Bertholdt to join you and your other friends, sometimes accompanied by the sullen Annie.

Also, both of you were unwilling early risers; you from stress, and him from nightmares. So, you would usually meet at the training hilltop to watch the sunrise together in either comfortable silence or hushed conversation. You couldn't help but feel relaxed in his presence; he was always so safe and encouraging to talk to. Over the past few months, you had noticed your own self-doubts had decreased, and also noticed Reiner was becoming more comfortable around you.

Reiner's arm slipped off your shoulder and a minute later Bertholdt joined your table with Marco in tow. Bertholdt sat on Reiner's other side and Marco sat across from you. "Twenty-kilometers... and the snow will be even higher once we reach the starting point," Marco muttered nervously as he poked his porridge.

"I never liked the cold. Dauper would always get so much snow, sometimes we'd even get snowed inside for a few days. One winter, I think we were eleven, Sasha jumped from the top floor window into a snowbank and was then stuck for thirty minutes with snow up to her neck until we finally managed to dig her out." Reiner and Marco laughed loudly at the story, which quickly ceased as the story's subject appeared at the table looking tired and grouchy.

"How can you lot be happy this early?" Sasha asked as she crumpled onto the bench beside Marco. For once she seemed too exhausted to inhale her food. "What were you guys talking about?" she asked again.

You hummed absentmindedly, and thankfully Reiner began talking about the trek. There were three teams departing the starting point at different times; you were in the second team with most of your friends.

Later, Jean and Connie joined the table with barely fifteen minutes to spare for breakfast. Jean sat on your other side and threw an arm over your shoulder. After the camping trip, Jean had become a fast friend. Although he was still arrogant and bossy, he was also rather sweet when he tried. However, you quickly realized he was an absolute flirt and you would usually reply to his actions or comments by rolling your eyes, a reaction he always found extra amusing. You never let it bother you since it was harmless flirting without any intention behind it; you knew he had a crush on Mikasa ever since he first saw her.

Problem was, while you didn't pay attention to Jean's flirting, Reiner certainly seemed to have a problem with it. It was the rare times his stoic expression broke with anger. Even now, as Jean kept you tucked to his side, you noticed Reiner's jaw clench and he glared at his water glass.

Squirming away from Jean, you slapped his creeping hand away from your leg. He squeaked when you hit him, and you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. Looking across the table, you caught Sasha's quizzical gaze and felt the back of your neck heat from embarrassment. Marco was also watching, wearing an expression as if he was trying not to smile. Looking for a way to get Sasha and Marco to stop looking at you like that, you were relieved when a loud thud drew their attention to Connie who had fallen fast asleep, his head having just missed falling in his bowl of porridge.

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