Chapter Eleven: Decisions

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It felt so natural to be back in the saddle again. You and Sasha were only five years old when your father first put you on a horse's back. Your family had an old mare named Penny and she was an absolute sweetheart to learn on. For your twelfth birthday, your father gave you a dark chestnut colt, which you named Eve. It had taken nearly a year of training until he let you ride him through the forest because he was rather a skittish creature who hated the woods. Penny had passed by the time Sasha got her own horse to ride, another colt by the name of Porkchop. That horse seemed to embody the personality of Sasha; wildly athletic and crazy about food. It had been painful to leave the horses behind for both of you had become greatly attached to the animals.

Soon after joining the Scouts, you were each assigned your own horse. Sasha was paired with a horse who was just as lazy and food-driven as she was, and at Connie's suggestion Sasha named her horse Potato. You named yours Sichern, named for Stephen's last name. You couldn't forget your friend, Stephen had reminded you so much of Marco and had helped your recovery so much... you hoped he was alright.

The cadets had done basic riding training, however the Scouts primarily used horses so many of the new soldiers in your troop were having difficulty getting used to it.

"My ass!" Connie moaned, rubbing his backside after hopping down from his horse. You and Sasha giggled at each other as Connie continued to rant at his horse who ignored him to start eating grass. "He never listens to me," Connie cried out as he lay back on the grassy field.

Sasha hopped down to sit beside Connie and started eating her lunch rations. Potato sniffed at Sasha's food and bumped her with his nose until she pushed him away. Potato snorted in annoyance and went to graze with Connie's horse. You stayed in the saddle and watched the long grasses of the field swaying gently in the breeze. It was beautiful here and so peacefully quiet. Only one more week and the peacefulness would drastically end.

All the new Scout recruits had daily lessons where they were taught and tested on scouting formations and titan durability. Furthermore, your instructor spent a great deal of time discussing the upcoming mission. This would be the 57th Exterior Scouting Mission. You and Sasha were both placed on the left side: she was placed in Line 2 File 3, and you were slightly behind her in Line 2 File 2.

You were busy worrying about the mission until a horse whinnying nearby alerted you. Sasha and Connie scrambled to their feet in case it was a superior who might catch them lazing about instead of finishing their patrol. Luckily, you instantly recognized the three figures atop their horses as they approached. Reiner, Jean, and Bertholdt reigned up alongside your patrol.

"Oh thank goodness," Connie said loudly before lying back down.

"Shouldn't you guys be heading back as well?" Bertholdt asked innocently.

You shrugged when he looked at you and rolled your eyes at Sasha and Connie.

"We deserve a break, did you see how many pushups I had to do yesterday?!" Connie cried angrily.

"Only because you were slacking off in the first place," Sasha replied as she nudged him.

"Yeah well... I still deserve some rest. And that horse is the problem! He refuses to obey me!" Connie yelled and dramatically pointed at his horse who turned his butt to face Connie.

You hummed, unconvinced by his argument, but Connie took it as a challenge. "You think you can do better than me, Vee? Please, be my guest." Connie gestured at his horse, which he had uninspiredly named Horse.

You sighed at Connie's determined pout. "Fine, but once I do you can't blame the horse anymore just because you suck at riding."

Connie nodded and you nimbly hopped down from Sichern. Taking up the reins of Connie's horse, you swung into the saddle. In Connie's defense, Horse did require a firmer hold on the reins, but he followed your directions until he was trotting in neat concentric circles throughout the field. Once you stopped in front of Connie, who wore a stupefied expression, you grinned embarrassedly at Jean and Reiner who were clapping.

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