Chapter Seven: Fifth

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Spring arrived and graduation was approaching earlier than you had realized; one more week for the scores to be tabulated. Meanwhile, the cadets were to be practicing hand-to-hand-combat on the training grounds every day. While some cadets took the martial arts training seriously, others took the time to goof off.

You glared out of the corner of your eye over at Connie and Sasha who were obviously not taking the exercise seriously. Although this training didn't make sense against titans, it would be useful stopping civilian disputes. Unfortunately, your partner didn't seem very keen on practicing either.

Annie always wore her cool expression which made it so difficult for you to get a sense of what she was feeling. Sometimes it seemed like she hated everyone, but other times she was simply indifferent.

"Can I try again," you asked as you struggled back to your feet.

"Again? Haven't you had enough?" Annie replied coolly.

"C'mon, show me more moves," you pleaded.

Annie sighed and moved back into position as you steadied the wooden knife in your hand. You sprinted toward her, this time carefully dodging her heel that tried to sweep your leg. By the time you were forced to the ground, Annie seemed faintly surprised that you were able to spar for that long.

"That was good, but I'm done." Annie said calmly as always. She released you from the chokehold and began to walk away.

Unsure, you waited a moment before trailing after her. She was your partner, and Sadies would probably get angry with you if he caught you alone. Following a few meters behind Annie, you watched Reiner stop her. "You don't want the instructor to headbutt you again, do you? If you don't want to get any shorter, remember why you came here, and take this seriously." You couldn't help but giggle quietly to yourself at his words and returned to Annie's side as Eren also joined them.

"Hey, isn't that a little harsh?" Eren asked worriedly as he looked carefully at Annie. While Eren wasn't paying attention, Reiner crept up behind him and startled Eren by shoving him forwards.

"Let's get going, Eren."


You stood beside Reiner, watching Annie and Eren face each other with Eren holding the knife.

"You shouldn't provoke her, Reiner. She's really good." You pointed out quietly so the other two couldn't hear.

"She was slacking off, Venus. We gotta teach her a lesson." Reiner brushed his hand casually through his hair as you looked up at him.

Your friends had gradually begun using your nickname over the past year, but it was still odd for you to hear it from anyone but Sasha. Except, whenever Reiner said it, it always sent a thrill up your spine.

"Can I go?"

Turning to Annie's question, you saw Eren on the ground rubbing his pained leg and Annie still looking bored.

"No, this drill doesn't end until you grab the dagger," Reiner said strictly with his arms crossed over his chest.

Annie huffed and glared at Eren who panicked. "Wait, Annie! You're supposed to do this a certain way!"

You watched as Annie did the same move she had used on you ten minutes earlier on the screaming Eren; flipping him over until he was finally crumpled on the ground.

Reiner grunted wordlessly and you casually covered your smile with your fist as you looked at Eren lying with his butt in the air. "Here," Annie said and tossed the knife to Reiner. "Now it's your turn to attack me."

For once, Reiner looked taken aback. "No, I..." He stuttered. You were about to come to his aide when Eren spoke up.

"Go on, Reiner... Weren't you going to teach her a soldier's responsibilities?" Eren was still lying in the same position; his feet all the way over his head. You nearly laughed aloud at the sight of his position combined with his dark expression.

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