Chapter Nineteen: Abduction

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[Reiner's POV]


Punching Eren's Titan squarely in the face, Reiner sent Eren flying backwards leaving a large scar of shredded ground in his wake. As the dust and steam cleared, Reiner looked upon Eren's sprawled form. Eren's wide mouth was agape with a clear hole in the jaw from Reiner's hardened fist and Eren's hand was missing entirely from when Eren had hit Reiner first. Bertholdt had only partially formed the top half of his body which had remained on the top of the wall. He seemed to be keeping most of the scouts busy while Reiner dealt with Eren.

Confirming Eren was remaining on the ground, Reiner took the moment to check on you. You were still clasped tightly in his hand, however the moment his grip loosened, you began thrashing in an attempt to escape.

What am I doing? She is the enemy...she attacked us...but I love her, my Venus, Reiner thought furiously. His heart hurt to see your distraught expression while you fought to free yourself. Reiner knew that if he could just explain himself better, then you would understand what was happening. He had meant it when he asked you to go back home with him. He had it planned. Sure the officials would have a problem with it, but he knew you could be of use to them so they would have to accept you. Reiner was sure his family would understand and he had spent many sleepless nights thinking about how he would show you his real life.

The hand that had blasted apart when Eren transformed finally finished healing. Reiner had long suspected things would turn out this way. Eventually the warrior's would have been found out; if their mission had succeeded or failed, either way it would have ended in a fight like this. Of course, Reiner's main concern had been you and your reaction. He expected you to hate him, to cry and scream at him after you learned the truth. But... he had not expected to see the frighteningly livid expression on your usual lovely face when you had stabbed him. However, Reiner thought back to what transpired on the top of the wall, your movements had seemed so calculated, so sure, so murderous.

She knew. She knew about us...but for how long?

Reiner's thoughts were interrupted at the sight of Eren's Titan slowly rising from the ground. Although Eren was no match for his strength, Reiner still couldn't risk you getting hurt. It pained him to hear your screams as he raised you towards his jaws, but it was the only place where you would be completely safe. Your screams were instantly silenced when his mouth closed around you, but the next moment another scream bellowed. Eren was back on his feet and lunged towards Reiner who sent the leaner titan hurtling backwards with another punch to the face.

God, he just does not know when to give up, little brat. He never learned. Always has to make everything difficult. Reiner thought annoyedly. When Eren lunged again, Reiner moved for another punch, but the moment before his punch made contact, Eren suddenly dodged away. Reiner only recognized the move when he was already sent crashing into the ground. Annie's damn move. Long before they had arrived to Paradis, Annie had brought Reiner to the ground using the same move multiple time during their warrior training.

Attempting to throw Eren off, Reiner pushed Eren over, but Eren quickly wrapped Reiner's arm in a tight wrestling hold. Now, Reiner began to panic. Cracks echoed around him and he realized that his armour was splitting from the pressure. For the first time in a long time, Reiner felt unimaginable pain as his titan's right arm was ripped from its elbow joint.

Struggling free from Eren's hold, Reiner watched as Eren soon sprinted away to stand close to the wall where several scouts were watching the fight. Readying himself, Reiner felt the armour on the backs of his knees and calves crack and split off the muscle underneath. Without the stiffness of the armor, he could move at full speed again.

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