Chapter Sixteen: Hometown

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It had already been five days since you left Calaneth District along with the rest of the remaining 104th Cadet Corps, excluding: Jean, Mikasa, Armin, and Eren. After three days of hard riding, you had finally arrived at a military base located inside Wall Rose.

The closer you got to your destination, the more you came to recognize it. It wasn't until you saw the familiar mountains, did you and Sasha exchange excited looks. You were so close to Dauper; just a few hours away. Thus, you were extremely annoyed when your commanding officers said that none of you were allowed on patrols. It was only until the second day of stasis at the base when you began to wonder why your group had been ordered here.

Sasha was swishing her skirt back and forth in boredom as she paced your room. You sighed and marked your page in the little book you had borrowed from the Scout's library. You had already read through the book three times out of simple boredom, but now you just couldn't focus on the words.

Sasha glanced at you when you placed the book under your pillow and took out your collection of knives. Catching the glance, you smirked at your sister. "We have so much time on our hands, do you want to practice now?"

Groaning, Sasha slumped in the chair beside your bed and held out her hand. "Nothing better to do around here," she hummed.

It took a few minutes to refresh the basics of throwing and several throws that did not land, until Sasha finally managed to hit the wooden door. Letting out a whoop, you immediately slapped her on the shoulder, and urged her to keep going. Soon enough, the pair of you were alternating throws on the door. You couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at each resounding thunk of the blade in the door accompanied by Sasha's happy giggles.

Just as you sent your next blade flying, the door banged open. Likely in an alternate situation, one where you hadn't nearly killed your friend, you would have laughed at Connie's expression, but now you were sure yours matched his. "You are very lucky you are so short, Connie," Reiner peered around the doorframe to look at you, smirking as he patted Connie on the head. Connie remained in stunned silence as Reiner retrieved the blade which had sailed barely a centimeter over Connie's head and embedded itself in the hallway wall behind him.

Edging past Connie to enter the room, Reiner shut the door on Connie just as he had taken a deep breath in, obviously about to begin a tirade. Connie's fury was muffled behind the door. You heard Connie scrambling with the doorknob for a couple seconds, giving Reiner just enough time to join you on your bed where he leaned against the headboard and pulled you up into his lap, before Connie finally entered the room. Although you were about to burst into frantic apologies, Connie's anger had instead turned onto Sasha, who was laughing hysterically.

While Connie continued his tirade at Sasha, you leaned back against Reiner's chest and smiled as you felt him shaking with laughter. Connie finally turned to look at you, his eyes darting between you and Reiner. "Yeah, yeah, Reiner. Keep laughing. What if I go out and tell everyone about you two," Connie pointed between you and Reiner.

You had discussed it already; neither wanted to deal with the other scouts finding out about your relationship, it would just be a lot of hassle and the officials might not take you seriously anymore. However, you knew Connie was bluffing and simply snuggled more into Reiner's arms that held you tightly. Connie rolled his eyes at the pair of you before storming off.

"Eh, what's got him all pissy?" Sasha wondered aloud. Usually, Connie would just laugh something like that off.

"He was just complaining about how bored he was downstairs when we heard those bangs on the door upstairs. I think he's just tired like the rest of us," Reiner answered.

Sasha hummed to herself and got up to collect the knives sticking out of the wooden door. "Here," she dumped the knives on the table. "I'll meet you downstairs," she said and smirked at you before she closed the door.

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