Chapter 9: Don't Dream

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The Commander felt faint, before her pieces of the timeline were disappearing one before another. And then some started to appear, here and there, waves crashed into each other all over the timeline. 

“What is going on?” she cried to herself, “what did you do?” 

Suddenly the red and blur dots disappeared, and just as suddenly reappeared, but this time they had appeared on a piece of the timeline that had just appeared. A new piece of timeline, an unseen piece of time. The timeline was falling apart, the waves were changing time, moving time, creating time. Time was disintegrating right in front of the Commander's eyes, another bit of the timeline disappeared, but this time nothing filled it's place, instead the following time slid back to join onto the end of it, a wave sprung up from the contact as the two times hit. Time was deleting itself.   

Scorpio's eyes squinted open, the only thing she could see was a golden white light which almost blinded her. She shut her eyes and groaned, her head started to throb, she felt it beating as if it were her heart, and with each throb the pain penetrated her skull and bounced around her head. She brought her hand up and touched her head but the pressure didn't help. She gave another moan, and dropped her hand to her side, it landed on something squidgy, she frowned and gave the thing a squeeze, something groaned behind her. Viper! 

She sat up, holding her head as she did so. She turned to face Viper the movement of her head making the world spin a little.

“Sorry Viper,” she muttered, she put her hands flat on the floor and tried to lever herself off the floor, she got half way before her arms trembled, and then gave in and she fell back to the ground, landing on her bum with a thump.

She shook her arms around, trying to get some blood back into her arms. She felt the tingling sensations all over her body. 

She waited for a minute and then tried again, she put her hand down by her sides and pushed herself off the ground. Her arm rubbed against something course, she glanced down and the floor seemed to jump up at her, she flinched and then her vision returned to normal. She looked down at her stomach to find it wound in bandages, she touched her back and winced, pain stabbed into her back. She hissed. 

She examined the bandages, it was shoddily wrapped but it would do. 

“Must have been you.” She looked down at Viper, he returned the gaze. He gave her a slight smile, “terribly done.” 

Viper huffed and grinned, “I guess we're equal then?” 

She didn't tell him but she thought that she owed him one, on the fact that she had enjoyed taking the needles out of Viper's chest, it had served Viper right. 

But she said, “yeah, I guess we are.” She patted his chest making him crease up in agony, she gave him a wink and heaved herself to her feet. 

“Hacker?” She called, “Hacker!” 

“What?” came the reply from the next clearing, “you forgot I'm here, didn't you?” 

“No, no.” She looked away from Viper who gave her a look that said, you did, didn't you. “I was busy,” she continued. 

“Can you come and help me out, I've been sat here for hours!” 

“I'll be right over,” Scorpio said, she turned to Viper, “I've gotta go see how Hacker's doing.” Viper was still giving her the look, Scorpio scowled, “I was busy,” she insisted, and holding her hands high, started to wade back through the flowers to Hacker. 

She burst through to where Hacker was sat, cross legged hands by his sides. 

“Are you all right?” she asked, touching Hacker on the shoulder.

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