Chapter 18: Language Acquisition

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White. Just white. That was all the filled her vision. A sense of tranquillity flowed through her. She blinked. The light suddenly invaded her eyes, blinding her. She closed them and then, slowly, opened them again. She made out a few lines in the white. They criss-crossed this way and that, making perfect squares. She tried to lift her head, found she couldn't and just lay there. Her head felt heavy and dozy. She couldn't think straight. Couldn't think at all. 

A shape blurred into view, then disappeared. In and out of her vision. She heard a noise, a fuzzy, dull sound. She strained her ears and slowly, slowly the humming in her ears stopped, there was a ding and then her hearing was fixed. “Scorpio.” 

She had heard it. The sound, it reminded her of something or someone. 

“Scorpio”, came the voice again. Where was it coming from? Scorpio moved her eyes to one side, and then the other. The shape came back into view, a blob, which got narrower as it got higher. 

“Scorpio.” This noise was louder than the others. What did it mean? She knew she should do something, but what? 

She opened her mouth, “s...” That felt weird, the sound had come from her lips, tickling them. She liked the feeling of the tickling. “S...” 

“Scorpio, are you there?” The words meant nothing to her. 

“S...” she said again, a giggle escaped her lips. Scorpio rear back a little, what was that? She tried to re-enact the giggle but it felt fake when she did it. She went back to saying s-es. 

“S... good.” The voice said, it had copied her. Why was it copying her? 

“S...” Scorpio said, she put her lips together filled her mouth with air and then let it out, making a 'p' sound. That sound was different. She did it again, 'p'. She liked that sound. She did it again. 

The voice had gone, she wondered where. She felt a little lonely when it wasn't saying anything. Scorpio stretched her fingers out. Then, she felt something with her fingers, the very tips. Very lightly. She tried to angle her eyes down to look but couldn't see far enough down. She reached around with her fingers, touching, feeling the thing. It felt soft, smooth with a few wrinkled patches. She came to parts with were smoother than the rest, the tips were hard. What was this thing? 

Suddenly the world focused and Scorpio gasped for breath. Her lungs filled with air, oxygen flooded her body. 

“Scorpio?” It was the voice again, she didn't want to lose it again. Raising her hand she stroked the air, trying to grab the voice and hold it to her chest, to her ear, to keep it close. Something grabbed her hand and wrapped around it. It felt soft, like the thing she had felt earlier. She liked the feeling and gave her hand a squeeze. She felt the motion returned so she did it once more. And once more got a reply. 

She twisted her head to the side and the shape, now in focus came into view. A face. It was a mixture of lots of shapes, triangles and circles mostly, some ovals and a weird wavy shape. Scorpio smiled, and so did the face. Was the face, her? Was she the face? Was that even possible? 

The face leaned towards Scorpio, the wavy line shape split in two revealing a crimson hole, Scorpio's eyes widened. What the hell is that? Then the voice, “take your time, Scorpio. I'm hear.” Where was it coming from? It couldn't be coming from the hole, could it? 

Scorpio opened her mouth and made the 's' sound again, “s...” Was she making that sound with her own hole? 

She felt the movement on her face, it felt like where the face's hole was. Maybe it was true. 

Her eyes focused behind the face, at the room, at the shapes, at the lights. Where was she? 

The thought suddenly struck her. Where was she? She wanted to know. How could she know? How could she find out?  

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