Chapter 11: The Old Man in the Chair

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Her heart was in her mouth making Scorpio want to vomit. It twisted and bulged within her jaws, making her almost gag.

The clicking sound emanated through the ground now. It reverberated through her hands which were pressed hard to the stone ground. She felt it in her teeth. Her eyes sensed something. She thought her eyes might be tricking her, but she sensed it again, a black movement in the darkness. Out the corner of her view she saw a faint shape. And then a movement. 

She sucked in a final breath, slowly and silently, and then pushed as hard as she could with her hands on the ground. She heard a hiss as she was on her way up and a scuttle of a sound. 

As she finally stood up and found her feet something brushed against her leg, then again. She jumped back, slamming her back into a wall. She fell forwards and felt something hairy slam into her face, instantly she swiped a hand at it, the thing collapsed to the floor. There was a scratching and then a definite hiss. This time Scorpio blindly swung her fist at the thing. Something sharp stabbed into her fist and she felt a weight being connected to her fist. Then a second fang pierced her skin and plunged into her hand. She let out a small cry and shook her fist manically, she could hardly feel her hand when the weight it was carrying detached itself and Scorpio heard a clatter. 

Instantly she felt to her fist, came upon the two fangs still embedded in her fist and yanked, one, two out.

Then the thing was upon her once more. She felt it all over her body, hairs scraping against her skin, legs digging into her stomach. Another two fangs pierced into the under side of her chin. She now saw the thing right in front of her, she felt its face brushing her nose, hissing, eyes starring.

She screamed, raised her arm. It came down, the fangs in her hand as she beat into the things back. Stabbing, again and again. 

The thing hissed and hissed, and then it fell silent. 

Scorpio kept on stabbing, kept on screaming. Her mouth suddenly gave in and went numb. Scorpio, once more, was plunged into silence and darkness. 

Slowly, she reached and touched the top of the head of the thing. The coarse hairs of the thing bristled through her fingers and she shuddered, and closed her eyes. 

Then she pushed hard and felt the thing slump over her chest. She tipped her body to the side and heard the thing clatter to the floor, then took a deep breath, then another, her head and throat had gone numb like her hand and now the pain from the flower had disappeared. She took another breath and got to her feet. Once more she breathed in. and out. She felt the numbness travel down to her shoulders, down her arm and she let it take her, she was exhausted. Her legs ached, her chest burned but now the numbness reached her chest and the pain went away. It was like a cold flannel was suddenly placed on her stomach. She gasped, and started to shiver. The cool wave continued down to her thighs, then her knees gave in, uncontrolled by Scorpio and she slumped to the ground, her head bounced off the stone floor and lay to rest.

Scorpio felt no pain, just cold. A second wave of cold surged through her from both her neck and her right hand.

Her thoughts clouded over, her eyes went limp and they closed. The last thing Scorpio could feel was the cold.

Not thoughts, no movements, just the cold. 

“What do you mean she's gone? Where could she possible go to?” Viper asked. 

Hacker sighed, “how should I know, she just said that she was finding a way out of this,” he swept his hand in an arc around him, “and that she probably would be back before sun rise.” 

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