Valkyrie Mission 6: Unknown

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Year proposed: 2037, date unknown. 

Mission: Unknown. 

Proposed Operation: The Time Worm has made a request to return to the year 2037. The reason for this is unknown. It has been acknowledged and had been approved by the President himself as a memento of good will towards the Time Worm. Its only mission objective given to him was to not change the timeline. There is no danger of that happening due to our ability to kill the Time Worm at any given moment due to the tracking device which we implanted in its heart when it first joined us. Due to the fact that we have the ability to retrieve the Time Worm at any time which is necessary the mission was granted and launched. 

Due to the tracking beacon implanted in it we can check on the timeline when the Time Worm is. We tracked the blue dot, representing the Time Worm back to the year 2037, it was at that moment when the tracker disappeared. It is still unknown how or why the Time Worm disappeared from our sensors. The theory that the tracking device had stopped working will rejected due to us not being able to retrieve the Time Worm from the time period. Not only were we unable to force the return of the Time Worm, we were also unable to contact it. 

To this present day the location or time of the Time Worm is unknown. It has been speculated that the Time Worm, somehow, has escaped our timeline, but there is no evidence for this claim. 

An investigation was granted by Congress although the action was forcefully denied by the President and Commander-in-chief. The report is inconclusive and barred at level 12 confidentiality, a level that is held only by the President and the Commander-in-chief. No one but them knows where the report is, or even if it does exist. 

Note: The Time Worm returned to us on the 27th of March 2040, exactly one month before the launch of the Scorpio Project. No one knows if this is a coincidence as the Scorpio Project was discussed with the Time Worm as a possible future mission of joint forces between soldier and Time Worm. The current holding location is, as has always been, unknown. 

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