Chapter 3: Blinded Visor

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“Which way now?” Viper asked as they came to a crossroads.

Hacker looked around at the road signs, he pointed to one across the road, it read Calgary High, College, 0.5 miles. “Come on, let's get going.” Viper ran across the road with the others in tow.

They made it to the College within twenty minutes and stood outside the main entrance.

“So what now?” Scorpio asked as Hacker, once again got out his backpack and taking out his laptop, powered it up. Their headsets fizzed into life and a few seconds later a voice came through, “Find the mole.” Then the headsets cut out.

“Find the mole? Is that it?”

“I'm guessing, but I think he was probably a student here. Otherwise, why would they send us here?”

“All right.” Viper cut in, “I'll go and talk to the receptionist. You two go and see if you can talk to any of the students.” Viper was obviously grasping at straws but what else could they do at the time.

Hacker looked about, around him tall buildings towered above him, but one in particular caught his attention, a sleek metallic edged building shaped like a horn was tucked neatly between two less attractive buildings. Good as any, Hacker thought and pushed open the revolving door. He found himself in a modern, minimalist reception surrounded by white walls. In front of him was a smiling young receptionist while behind the left and right of the desk was a corridor of doors.

“Can I help you?” The receptionist asked. Hacker opened his mouth and then shut it, what was he going to say. Hi, yes, I think one of your students is a future US fugitive, could you tell me who? “Sir, are you OK?”

“Yes, yeah I'm fine.” Hacker quickly shook himself out of his thoughts, just a little disorientated and all.”

The man behind the desk gave him a reassuring smile, “don't worry, sir. It happens to all our new students.” Hacker leaned forward, his forehead wrinkling, “new?”

“Oh, I'm sorry sir. I assumed you were a new student, it's just I've never seen you in the Tech block before.”

The Tech block, Hacker thought, this is a good as any place to start looking. He pulled back, “oh, yes. I'm new, I'm new... a new student, yes. Just come from a smaller school,” he motioned to his surroundings, “messes with your brain.”

“It does, doesn't it. Could I take your name?” The receptionist looked up at him expectantly.

Name, thought Hacker, oh no. “Erm... Robert...” The receptionist tapped in the name, “O... ppenheim-” he stopped. Was he really going to just say Oppenheimer. The receptionist frowned. “Open.” Hacker finally said. “Robert Open. But I prefer to be called Rob. Or Bob, Bob's fine... perfectly fine.”

There was a clacking of keys and then a beep and the receptionist turned back towards Hacker, “I'm sorry, sir. I don't have you down on the system.”

But this time Hacker was ready, “Jesus, I go and see them and they say, they said you know, they said you'll all good, first lecture is at 9:30 in the Tech block.” He pointed to the ground, “and what do you know, never come up for the good, do they?”

The receptionist thought for a second, “OK, for now, you can have a visitors badge and I'll follow up on the matter myself, how does that sound?” Hacker smiled.

“Cheers, that's great! Thanks.”

“Since you're a good guy, I'll let you get in for your late lesson and I'll follow up on why you haven't got your pass yet, and if there are any problems I'll give you a shout, all right?”

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