Scorpio's Journal: Day 347:

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The world is a weird place. Nice, but weird. The first time I saw it I was fascinated. The first time I explored it I was sickened by it. I get that a lot from the people that come here. Person after person. Fascination, excitement, horror, fright. They are terrified. So I make sure that I am the first face they see, so that they know it is all right. That everything is all right. Everything works out in the end. Everything is good now. The previous generation had amazing machines and structures, and bombs. Terrifying weapons, weapons that made the radiation. We were lucky for the Visor. We don't know who created it but it was used to make the world safe again, used in parallel with time. And now it's all better, our generation are fixing this. There was nothing we could have done before but now we can rebuild the world. We can fix this. 

I can fix myself. I am treated like a hero here. I always was. Human nature is good, that is why. Everyone is treated well here. I like it here. 

I don't see the Commander much any more. She is busy. Always busy. She has an army to support. We have been attacked by other people, we call them Hunters. They do not bother us much though. But when they have in the past, people have died. I am locked inside the Facility when they attack though. I get the urge to fight, but I had no use for my weapon so I gave it to the Armoury to help them with the fight against the Hunters. They do not use it though, Lieutenant Hitch locked it away before the other soldiers could see it, I do not know why. I haven't seen another weapon like it though, maybe it's too old. 

The current body count for the Facility, as of yesterday is 264. I take care of the statistics and registration of the people we find. I know everyone. 115 females, 109 males and 40 children under sixteen. I know all the children's names. They all call me Aunty Scorpio, I like that. I teach all the young children to read and write. Just like how the Commander taught me. 

I keep having these dreams, these weird dreams. They are of me as a soldier, shooting, running, hunting. And then the colours change, like I'm looking through one of those infra-red scopes the army have. I'm hunting something when the colours change, I know I am, through some kind of forest. Leaping through the trees, leaving a trail. 

I keep asking the Commander about the dreams. She says they are just my imagination. She says it every time I ask her. 

I ask her about what I used to be, before the accident. She says I was in the army. I doubt it. The only thing that I have in common with the soldiers in this base is that I have a call sign. And I don't even know where that comes from.

There are a lot of things I can't do, but there are a lot more that I can do.

I'm good at what I do now, and I bet I was good at what I did before. Maybe I wasn't, maybe this is a second chance. Redemption from my past. Maybe that's why they look at me weird. Maybe I did something bad. If it was, it had to be connected to the army. They were the ones that give me the looks. But Hitch doesn't look at me like that so it can't have been that bad. I hope not. I really hope not. 

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