Chapter 10: Hyper-predator

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Viper groaned and opened his eyes, at least he thought he had but his vision was still black. He tried to open them again, nope, he had definitely opened them. As more light slowly filled his eyes he started to make out white sparks in the blackness of his vision. More and more of them seemed to just fade in to view until the black canvas had been flicked with shining specks. 

It suddenly occurred to him what he was looking at might in fact be the sky. Beautiful. 

It was an interesting thought and even though it made sense it did not orientate Viper at all. He was looking in all directions at once while only looking at one. His head spun but the world stood perfectly sill. It gave him a weird sense of perspective. That made Viper give out a faint smile.

He lay there for a good while, indulging in the odd feeling of perspective. Then did his best to sit up. But when he did his stomach gave a shout in pain. It was as if he had been stabbed multiple times. 

He flicked his eyes up, shapes came into view and he tried to focus on them but his eyes refused. He rolled his head to the side a little and heard something shuffle beside him, he tried to flinch but just managed a grimace. 

“Viper,” Hacker hissed, “you OK?” 

Viper tried to sit up again, but failed. He huffed, then replied, “help me up will you?” 

“Scorpio said to leave you 'flat out'”. 

Viper's eyes met Hacker's, his glare made Hacker flinch a little, he nodded. 

He put the pistol he had in his left hand down and carefully put his hand under Viper's arm. 

“Pull me up them.”

Hacker nodded again, and grimacing at the pain of his hand touching Viper started to pull Viper to a sitting position. 

Viper grunted, and hissed at the pain.

When he was sat in the sitting position he brought his hands to his chest and rubbed his stomach, “what happened?” 

Hacker sorted his thoughts before answering, it took him a while and Viper, unusually, Hacker had thought, had waited patiently while he did so, “we were attacked.” 

“Attacked? I remember getting shot, and then that's it.” 

“You were kind of shot. With needles.” 

“Needles?” Hacker was looking at him, as if he was just going to explain and Viper had interrupted, “sorry, go on, explain it all.” 

Hacker looked around and picked up one of the needles, he could just about get a hand round it. 

“These were the needles, stalactites more like. I think they are made of bone and you, sort of got four in your chest.”


“Oh, and one in the leg,” Hacker gave a toothless grin.

Viper rolled his eyes, “right leg, I can't move that one.”

“You also got stabbed in the chest.”

“Jeez... give me a break.” 

“Scorpio did a good job at patching you up. You should thank her.”

Viper looked around himself, “well, two questions.”


“What attacked us and, where's Scorpio?”    

Scorpio was carrying her weapon above her head and was wading through the flowers that forever surrounded her. She had been walking for about an hour and a half, in what she assumed and what she hoped was a straight line, away from Hacker but there was no way to check. She stopped, planted her feet facing forwards and looked around, careful to not rotate her feet fro the direction they were already in. Colours swamped her view, it was as if a sunset sky had been ripped from the sky and printed on the ground. But, she saw nothing that was different about her surroundings so she kept on walking. 

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