Chapter 7

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DAVID MASSAGED THE BACK of his head as he felt a rising tide of fear in his whole body. "Don't you believe me? I ended everything with her."

Avery rose from her seat. "Make me believe you!" Her scream pierced the air. "Through your actions, not just with words." She walked toward the bathroom and locked herself inside. 

David slouched and pounded his fist on his right side. THisfist pounding and Avery's sobbing inside the bathroom replaced the laughter and giggles that usually filled the room. Avery wondered whether they could navigate their way through such a challenging situation.


David: Please, babe, talk to me. I'm begging you. Let us meet our wedding planner as scheduled.

Avery's eyes were glued to her phone, her mind trying to grasp the words. She didn't notice Shelly taking the seat in front of her. It had been a week since she last spoke to David. They stayed in the apartment together, but she transferred to the guest room and didn't speak to him.

That cheating monster! She shook her head, remembering their last conversation, the confrontation, and David's admission.

"I'll leave for a few days to let everything cool down." 

Her eyes had blazed at him. "No. You're not leaving! Stay here and bear how I'm going to be around you! That's the least you can do for making me a fool all these months!"

"I won't go to her. I ended things between us. Please believe me. I can stay with my parents."

Cheating bastard!

"Earth to Ave! Are you sure you're okay? What's going on?" Shelly asked.

"David sent me a message. I don't know how to answer him." She started huffing and puffing.

Shelly sighed. "What lie is he weaving now?"

Avery glanced at her phone and threw it between them on the cafe's table. "He's begging me to be with him and meet our wedding planner as scheduled."

Shelly sipped her coffee, her eyes lingering on her best friend's face. "What does your heart tell you?"

Avery's lips trembled. Tears bobbled down her cheeks. Shelly wrapped Avery in a warm embrace. Having Shelly around helped to ease the heaviness in Avery's heart.

"Cry it out. It's okay to feel and show your pain. I'm always here for you."

"I don't know what to do. I don't know what to feel anymore," Avery whispered in her croaking voice as she let go of the hug and straightened her body.

Shelly placed her hands on both of her shoulders and cupped her face. "Look at me. My opinion doesn't count here. Nobody's opinion does. Forget about other people. Ask yourself the most important questions."

Avery's eyes didn't leave Shelly's. "What questions?"

"Can you let go of David? If not, can you forgive him and move past his cheating? Will you be able to trust him again?"

Avery's face dimmed. She twisted the engagement ring on her finger. "How can I unlove him? Since we met, my days have revolved around him. There isn't a place here in Boston that doesn't remind me of him, our times together." She bit her lip. Her face trembled.

Shelly took the chair beside her. "If I knew another way, I would have told you without asking. You don't have to punish yourself. You don't need to unlove him if you don't want to. Whatever will make you happy. If you still want to continue loving him and marry him. I will not judge you. I want your happiness, Ave."

"Thank you. You're the only one keeping me sane these days." She exhaled and wrapped her arms around her best friend.

"I'm your ride-or-die, Ave! Whatever your decision, I'm always on your side." Shelly clasped her friend's hands in hers. "Right now, you have to decide whether you like it."

Avery nodded. Her eyes wandered around the corners of their favorite cafe. Then, finally, they darted to the board, where there was a picture of her and David showing off the engagement ring on her finger. She drew a long breath, held her phone, and texted her reply.

Avery: Let's talk in the apartment tonight.

She gasped when her phone chimed less than fifteen seconds later.

David: I'm here. I've been waiting for you. I love you, Ave, only you.


David was waiting in the living room when Avery arrived at their apartment. He gazed at her as she walked toward the couch opposite him. She crossed her arms over her chest, her expression dulled. He drew in a long breath and straightened his shoulder. His eyes were wide with fear.

"I know I've been an asshole. You may blame me and be angry with me. I know I fucked up!" He moved in front of her and kneeled. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm begging you to please give me another chance. My life is nothing without you, Ave!"

Avery's face flushed. Her mouth fell open; she couldn't believe he was begging her while on his knees.  But tears shimmered in her eyes. She gazed at his face, lips tied. How could she not forgive him?

He lifted her chin and pressed his left hand to her cheek, using the other to wipe her tears. "Please say something, Ave. I'm sorry."

She stayed quiet. She didn't know how to make her heart unlove him in an instant.

 "I love you, Ave, only you." He squeezed her hand softly.

David's face was flushed; his eyes were red, and his lower lip quivered. At that moment, she realized that her love for him was beyond all the pain he had caused her. She felt in her heart the willingness to forgive and trust again. She would never let him go. She ran her hand through his hair and lifted his chin. His eyes lit up, and his lips curved with a smile. Then, without saying a thing, in silence, their eyes spoke. Their hearts beat in sync as they softly kissed.

That night, she and David had another first: making up and making love after their first couple fight. This is a relationship challenge every couple wishes not to experience, a phase in a relationship one can only hope to survive. But for Avery, it was a nightmare she never wanted to relive again. It was a thing of the past she would forget so she and David could start again. It would always remind her that she had to forgive and trust again.



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