Chapter 10

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THE TWO DIDN'T WASTE any time and went to the nearest lingerie outlet in town. Shelly's honeymoon hangover gave them the motivation they needed. With her best friend's encouragement and approval, Avery felt bold and excited.

She tried the five best-selling designs that Victoria's Secret was offering. Shelly's relentless prodding made her buy one set in all five designs. She realized David deserved a pleasant surprise when she remembered how he'd tried his best to regain her trust. From the lingeries and emergency leave from work, she decided it was time to embrace David back into her life wholeheartedly. No ifs and no buts.

Shelly's words hit her. "It's time to let go of your doubts, Ave. Let David back in your heart fully."

"I can't thank you enough, Shells!" She was in the clouds. "I've never felt this relieved and excited for him and me since."

"You've got this!" Shelly's eyes blinked multiple times. "There are times you must be bold to spice up your romantic life. Make impulsive, kinky decisions!"

Avery couldn't help but grin when Shelly gave her a final seductive wink. It paid that she rarely asked for emergency leave from work. Instead, Avery got the fastest approval via a phone call from her immediate boss and HR. She couldn't imagine how surprised David would be when he saw her inside his apartment. Even though she had only been to his unit once, she was confident in getting to its location. It was in the same building as the legal office branch David was assigned.

"I've never been this excited in my life." Her footsteps were floating as she walked around the shop.

"I told you it pays to be impulsive sometimes!" Shelly bit her lower lip. "Men love excitement!"

After Shelly dropped her off, she packed everything she thought would suffice for the five days she planned to stay in LA. She smiled and giggled in front of the bathroom mirror as she did her night routine.

She knew that David deserved this. He had shown regret and proven she could trust him again.


"Do you have the lingerie sets inside your luggage?"

"Yes." Avery sighed aloud.

"Did you do all the preps last night? Waxing..."

"I got it, Shells!" Avery rolled her eyes. "Don't you trust me?"

"I'm just making sure. It's the first time you have done a random act concerning David."

"I know." Avery groaned. "And I thank you very much."

Shelly giggled. "I feel like a mom sending her daughter, who's about to lose her virginity, on a prom night."

"Well, thanks, Mom!" Avery crackled. "I have to hang up now. I have to go. My flight just got called for boarding."

"Take care, Ave! Good luck, slut! Call me when you get into his apartment. Also, call me anytime you need kinky advice, okay?" Shelly blew her a kiss on her phone screen.

Avery did the same. "I'll surely do! Bye! Love you, Shells!"

She walked towards her boarding gate, unable to believe she was doing something so spontaneous. Though she knew David wouldn't mind having her come unexpectedly, she still couldn't deny the anxiety she felt imagining herself knocking on his apartment door. In her mind, she had been practicing lines to say to him once he opened the door for her, maybe because it was the first time she was carrying out such an impulsive act.

After putting her luggage in the bin, she readied herself for at least two to three hours of sleep. The flight time from Boston to LA was six hours and fifteen minutes. She expected to be in David's unit between 1130-1145 AM. However, as he came up for his lunch break, she could be inside. He usually called her around 12NN.

Perfect timing. Avery couldn't wait. Her body synced when the plane took off, and her eyes dozed off.


Avery couldn't describe the somersault in her stomach as she waited for her turn in the taxi bay outside the LAX. The temptation to message David was strong, but on cue, she received a text message from Shelly reminding her not to even think about ruining the surprise.

She wondered whether Shelly had psychic powers. How could she message her even before she could type a message to David? 

Her lips curved into a smile as she entered the cab with her carry-on. Her best friend knew her so well. Before she got a call, she replied to Shelly, assuring her she wouldn't ruin the surprise.

The ride from the airport took her thirty minutes despite the usual lunch-hour traffic. True enough, her estimate was on point. She was in front of the building concierge at exactly 1125 AM. As she approached the lady at the front desk, she already had her HQ Paralegal ID in her hand. To ensure everything went according to plan, she introduced herself as someone from the HQ with approval to use one room in the penthouse suite. Her boss didn't fail her. As promised, the central office had already called her name. They granted her entry to the building and access to the penthouse instantly.

Avery's heart pounded as she rode the elevator to the penthouse. She needed to be inside before David came up for his lunch break. She took a deep breath once inside the suite. Her watch showed 1150 AM. She'd made it just in time.

She brought in her luggage and stayed inside the room beside David's. The plan was to hide while waiting, expecting him to enter in a few minutes. But, instead, when she checked herself in the bathroom mirror., her cheeks were pink, and her grin was the biggest she had seen on her face as she remembered the black underwear under her clothing.

She couldn't believe she was doing this right now. What had Shelly done to her?



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