Chapter 39

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A JOLLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY song followed the video. First, Shelly saw Avery wiping her tears. Then she looked at Doctor Stella, who was watching Avery too. But, even without Avery saying anything, her face and gestures said it all. She cared for Ella and, most probably, for Ethan, too.

Avery didn't notice the two pairs of eyes gawking at her. Instead, she concentrated on the two people with whom she'd felt a special connection in just a short period. In her eyes, the father and daughter were two fragile souls getting love and strength from each other. She now understood what Doctor Stella told her when they were inside her home office.

"Ethan may appear a strong-willed leader, all power and stability, but inside, he's broken and fighting. It broke him when he lost Ella's mom eight years ago today. But Ethan never showed it. He needed to keep going for Ella. He'd been fighting and living for years to shower his daughter with love continuously."

Avery somehow compared her situation with what Ethan had experienced. Would she be at least half the fighter for her little bean, like Ethan had been to Ella?

"Since Ella was born, my brother only lived for her. He let no one get close to them like he had been to you, Ave. I've never seen my niece as happy as when she's around you. They're both captivated by your loving presence. This is new to both of them. But I know whatever is going on, Ethan will be on for the greatest challenge of his life. So please understand him; he didn't get to grieve for his wife. So when he comes to you, please give him a chance."

Avery discontinued her daze when Ethan lovingly covered Ella with his embrace. It compressed her heart when both looked each other in the eye. Their gaze toward each other spoke of a genuine commitment to love and care for one another. Ella may only be eight years old, but it seemed like her heart and mind breathed one that fit Ethan's perfect.

Please understand him. He didn't get the chance to grieve for his wife. So when he comes to you, please give him a chance. Doctor Stella's requests replayed in her ears. She looked at Ethan again. Before, his hotness and Adonis-like charms caused the butterflies in her stomach to fluff their wings, but now, in an instant, Avery felt different.

She started seeing him in a different light, as a loving, responsible, and selfless father. She couldn't imagine how difficult it must have been for him when Ella was just a newborn. It might have terrified him. Being young, a first-time father, and brokenhearted. Like she is, it astounded her when the butterflies in her stomach suddenly merged with a loud, fast, and never-ending thud in her chest. It reminded her of a similar occurrence. When David asked her to be his girlfriend, she realized she had fallen head over heels in love with him that morning.

This can't happen. Why was she feeling this way? She'd just met him. This can't be.

At least with David, they'd spent multiple times together before she'd felt like that. She placed her hand above her heart, pressing and kneading her chest, hoping it would calm her. But then she saw Ethan staring at her face, his face wrinkled. When he started walking toward her, her chest felt intense. Please stop. Avery begged her heart to calm down before he could reach her. But it didn't listen. Instead, it acted as if its mind was beating on its own.

Pretending not to see Ethan coming, she closed her eyes.

"Are you alright?" 

"Everything's good. I'm good." Avery's voice quivered.

Instead of facing him, she bowed her head. She wanted to hide her reddening face. But her hands were shaking, making it difficult for her to hide. How she wished Shelly could sense her situation and come to her rescue. The last thing she wanted was to be alone with the man who'd caused pandemonium in her heart in record time.

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