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TWO YEARS, AVERY WHISPERED to herself. That's how long since she stepped last at the same Charlotte airport. Of course, it was years ago, but she remembered everything like it was yesterday.

In the same cafe, her parents were sipping their favorite coffee. She smiled, seeing the sparkle in their eyes. Their excitement showed as they giggled, watching people walking back and forth from the table where they were sitting.

When Avery looked around, everything seemed the same but felt different. She knew why. The last time she was here, she was broken. Her life was at a crossroads. Her heart was in pain, moving away to let go. It was the same with her parents. They felt her pain, yet they stood beside her. If someone had told her two years ago, she'd be standing in the same spot, unbroken, happy, and grateful; she wouldn't have believed it. Instead, she would have broken down in tears and wallowed in self-pity and hopelessness.

But honestly, life is a never-ending mystery. Her heart was overflowing with joy. She didn't realize tears were slowly falling down her cheeks. As she wiped her tears, a pair of small hands planted on her leg.

"Thomas!" Ella's voice boomed.

"Ella, Princess, stop running!" Ethan's was louder.

When Avery looked behind her, a screaming Thomas was clenching her leg. Then, with a chuckle, Ella ran toward them. Ethan followed with a baby bag on his shoulder. Avery's smile said it all. Though everything seemed the same but felt different, the reason was in front of her: her family.

My family, she repeated to herself as she scooped two-year-old Thomas in her arm. When Ella reached them, she hugged her on her other arm and kissed her hair. All three of them grinned and giggled. 

The moment Ethan came to them, he pecked Avery on the lips. Then, gently, he wiped a lone tear on her cheek with his thumb. "What happened, my love?" Avery shook her head and brushed her lips softly over Ethan's. "I'm just so happy. I can't believe my life has changed since the last time I was here. Tears of joy!" Ethan caressed her cheek. "You deserve all the happiness in the world." When Avery mouthed thank you, he kissed her on the forehead. Thomas and Ella's giggles stopped their moment.

Avery took the baby bag from her husband as the other took the little boy from her arm. "How was the diaper change?" she teased Ethan.

"It was a success!" Ethan rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't miss it for the world!" he remarked.

Ella pouted. "I helped Dad. He's not as good as you, Mom."

The couple laughed at Ella's statement. "Well, thanks for the compliment, Princess!" Ethan reacted. When Thomas pointed to where his grandparents were and started babbling and clapping, they all walked towards the cafe.


"Are you sure you don't want to stay here with the kids and your parents?" Mama T asked as Avery and Ethan said goodbye.

Avery shook her head. "Ethan has a timeshare and hasn't used it for a while. So we're going to use it for some alone time."

Mama T nodded. "Thank you for bringing Thomas to us. We thought we might not see our grandson this time since David is still in Thailand."

"We wouldn't do that to you guys. Your grandson needs you. It's also a good time for you guys to bond together. But are you sure it's fine for Ella to stay? We can take her and leave the nanny with Thomas and our parents." Ethan asked.

"Of course, it's fine. We love Ella. Besides, I don't think she will leave her brother and grandparents." Mama T tapped Ethan on the shoulder. "Go, you guys. Enjoy Boston, and don't worry about the kids. They're in expert hands! You can have the car and the driver for yourselves for as many days as you want to."

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