Chapter 44

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AVERY SMILED AT ELLA. She couldn't grasp what the little girl was trying to tell her. When Ella reached the spot beside her, she slowly entwined her tiny hand with hers. Together, they gazed at Ethan as he stepped toward them.

He stroked Ella's hair. In return, the little girl giddily clapped her hands as she looked at her dad and Avery. Ethan took a deep breath before handing Avery the one rose he was holding.

"Hi!" Ethan clasped both of Avery's hands with his.

"Hi to you too! You're here," Avery responded, grinning.

Ethan nodded. "I'm here. Sorry if I had to tell you, I wasn't coming. It was part of the surprise. I wouldn't miss this for the world." He touched her face with one hand still clasped in hers.

Avery smiled without removing her gaze from Ethan. "I miss you." Just like the first time they saw each other, she felt the intense beating of her heart. The feeling she only got when around him.

"Do you feel it too?" Ethan asked, referring to the powerful connection between them.

Avery nodded. "You make me feel this way all the time."

"Mommy Pretty, Dad has a gift for you!" Ella exclaimed.

"Does he now?" Avery touched Ella's hair.

Ethan pinched his nose. Avery noticed his hand shaking. "Princess, let Daddy breathe first, okay?"

"Give it, Daddy, give it!" Ella motioned for her dad to get something from his pant pocket.

Slowly, Ethan held back both of Avery's hands. It surprised Avery to feel both of his hands shaking. Then, when she looked at his face and tried to ask what was going on, he softly placed his two fingers on her lips.

"My love, when I said you have my heart, mind, and soul, I want it that way forever. When I said my life and Ella's wouldn't be complete without you, I meant I'm never letting you go." Ethan's voice croaked. "I'd love to feel this powerful connection and devotion when I'm around you daily for the rest of my life. For some, this affection we have for each other might seem too soon or hard to believe. But when I saw you the first time, my heart knew. We don't owe anyone an explanation. We're not responsible for anyone understanding how we feel for each other."

When a tear fell from Avery's eyes, Ethan wiped it affectionately. "I want to let you know you deserve all the love and happiness in the world. When I pursued you, I committed myself to love, protect, and care for you and our little bean. I love everything about you, and I won't stop. Though I can't promise you a perfect relationship, I'm committed to honesty. I want you to have my heart, mind, and soul forever. And I'm begging that you give me a chance to live my life by loving you, little Bean, and Ella for the rest of our lives." Ethan's chest started heaving fast.

Avery gasped, her lips curving into a smile, her eyes welling up. Ethan tucked her hair behind her ear and slowly kissed each of her tears away. He slowly fell to one knee when he saw she had recovered from the shock. With his eyes gazing at hers, he brought out a small, red velvety box from his pant pocket. Once opened, the inside of the box revealed an oval-shaped diamond ring of just the perfect size. They heard loud gasps and whispers from the crowd in front of them.

"Avery, my love, will you marry me?"

At that moment, Avery couldn't see anything but Ethan's face. She could only hear his voice and the loud beating of her heart. Yet, she knew her answer all along.

"Yes. Yes. YES!" Avery answered with an ecstatic voice.

Ethan's face brightened, and his lips curved with a gorgeous smile. As he placed the ring on her finger, Avery started tracing his eyes, nose, jaw, and lips with her other hand. He slowly stood up and carefully pulled her into a tight embrace. Like always, Ethan kissed her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips. The kiss they shared started with their lips gentle, soft touching. It was an unhurried, sensual joining of their body and soul. It signified their total surrender to each other.

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