Chapter 27

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"I'M SORRY, SON. YOU should give Avery the time and space she needs. Her parents want you to respect their daughter's decision. She wants us to tell you not to worry about her and the baby. And she talked to your father about the baby in LA."

David felt trapped in his family's living room, struggling to breathe as he received news he had been dreading. As he glanced at his parents seated on the left side of the sofa, he noticed his mother's eyes were still red from tears, and his father's face was flushed with emotion.

He was feeling devastated. This emotion overwhelmed him, overpowering all the mixed feelings that were churning inside him.

Avery refused to see him and declined to have a conversation with him.

"I had to make some calls in LA because Avery pleaded with me. Bless her heart! Right now, a paternity test is being conducted at Cedar Sinai. I've sent someone to take care of everything there," said his father calmly. "Why did you leave LA without handling everything? Just look at yourself! Avery was correct. You're an enormous mess!" His father's voice expressed frustration as he got up and walked towards the kitchen.

As David massaged his forehead, his mother's hand ran through his hair. This act conveyed her love and concern, causing David to surrender to her embrace like a young boy, as tears streamed down his face.

"It's admirable how Avery continues to show love and concern for you, despite the past events. I respect her for that. When the woman who gave birth in LA couldn't reach you, she immediately called Avery. Despite any negative emotions she may have felt, her first thought was for the baby's well-being. She will make a wonderful mother."

David's body quivered as his mother began to pat his back. He had never felt more remorseful than he did in that moment.

"The mother in me wanted to beg her to accept you back. But the woman in me felt compassion for someone broken and hurting. Respecting what she wants is the least we can do. Avery will always be the daughter I never had."

As David gazed at his mother, he saw only compassion and sincere worry etched on her face. He longed to understand the depth of her emotions, to feel the sorrow that only a mother can experience for her child. Yet, despite his grievous error, she held onto the hope that her beloved son could overcome any obstacle he faced.

"You must give Avery the time and space she requires. She has decided, and you must now concentrate on making things right with the baby. Your father, her parents, and I have decided to contact the wedding planner and hold all preparations. There is no need to inform the guests now, as the invitations have not been sent out yet," his mother's voice crackled.

"I wanted to talk to her... beg her to forgive me."

His mother pulled him away from her arms. She lifted his chin as he wiped his tears. "She already forgave you. But she couldn't make herself see or talk to you right now. You need to pick yourself up. Use the time to show her how sorry you are. Not by forcing her to see you. Talk to your dad. Settle things in LA so you can take care of the baby. He already made arrangements there."

David couldn't think of any better decision than to follow his mother. Even if it meant he couldn't see Avery for a while. He didn't have anyone but his parents. He accepted the fact that he badly needed their help. His brain couldn't seem to function. This time, he needed the right people around him. 

"Talk to your father. But, please, don't allow your situation to break your relationship with him. You need us. Your son needs you. Your parents can only help you if you allow us to."

David silently rose from his seat and walked towards the dining area where his father was. Upon reaching the door, he saw his father pouring their favorite red from the minibar. As he sat beside his father, the latter swiftly poured another glass of red for him. After ensuring that the amount was appropriate, his father handed it over. The two of them enjoyed the wine in serene silence, united by their shared love for it.

Sitting beside each other, David remembered things he and his father shared when he turned eighteen. He learned everything about wine in the same spot from the man he always looked up to. His father was always the objective one. So their conversation when he turned eighteen was one for the books. His father got him on the first pour. 

"David, turning eighteen isn't just about being able to drink legally. It's a gateway to a world of responsibilities you'll face. Some of these responsibilities will be exciting, while others will be challenging. You'll have to deal with having a girlfriend, sharing intimate moments, going to college, earning a degree, getting a job, receiving promotions, finding the woman of your dreams, and getting married. There will be times when you'll have to face all of these responsibilities simultaneously, which can be overwhelming. If things get tough, take a step back. Listen to your heart and remember what your mother and I taught you. When everything around you gets too loud and challenges make you feel lost, stepping back is okay. You'll always have a home here with us. Everyone else may give up on you, but your father and mother never will. You have to ask."

"Avery is one hell of a girl! You fucked up on that one." His father's voice was firm yet soft—almost the same tone as when they last had a serious conversation when he was eighteen.

"I did, Dad. And I'm so afraid it's too late for me to make things right. I don't know what to do."

"Sometimes, you must do things that won't make sense initially. But one day, you'll look back and thank yourself for doing those things, just like I did about LA. I've told myself I wouldn't lift a finger since you made a fool of yourself. But Avery made me see things from a different perspective. She made me understand that I should hate your actions, not you, the person."

"I'm lost, Dad. Please help me. I feel like I'll want to die if Avery won't be a part of my life anymore."

"Once the result is out and confirms the baby is yours, your life will not just be yours. Stand up and be a father. Learn to be selfless. How you raise your son will guide Avery in deciding whether she can allow you to be present in her baby's life."

"You think Avery will still find it in her heart to give me another chance?"

His father sighed. He poured another glass and gulped the liquid all at once. When he looked into David's eyes, his father saw how lost he was. He placed his hand on top of David's.

"Son, from here on, it's not about you and Avery anymore. That ship had already sailed. Avery presents the last chance you've been asking for but through the baby. So make it happen that your sorry ass gets proven through your son's life. Be a better man by being a good father. I assure you everything will fall into place. Use this chance to change for the better. You wouldn't like to have the same conversation we're having now with your kid someday, right?"

Before David could say another word, his phone chimed multiple times.

B: Smart move, Atty. Thomas! You can't make your ass come here to discuss things with me and instead send Daddy's pool of lawyers to make me sign all these ridiculous papers. LOSER!


SR. PARTNER: Where are you? What happened? I got a copy of Avery's irrevocable resignation today.


ART: My wife wants me to relay a message to you. Avery declined to see or talk to you. Sorry, man! Shelly won't text you because she feels she is betraying Ave by sending you a message.



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