|23| Him and I.

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Third-person POV:-

All the thinking will be in Italic font.

If you are confused about the last chapter- then let me do the honour and clear that. So Chapter 22 was one month earlier from the current time. PAST! That's it. I hope you understood this. And this chapter is a continuation of our present. If you have any questions then feel free to ask.

One of the secrets will be revealed in this chapter.



In the nights, You can feel the silence around Elite Academy. The commission had installed special Rules and Regulations in the Academy. Unlike before, now you cannot host an unofficial celebration or can't be seen without permission or emergency. If you get caught, then a notice to your parents will be sent and the offender has to be Academy's dustbin for a day or even a week, according to your outbreak. Basically, rich kids are more afraid of that than anything.

Once again Fayth Williams was breaking the rules of the Academy. However, she has remembered Academy's way well to know where the supervisors are right now. They would be inspecting A- wing right now, the opposite of where she is.

Fayth was running. Running was always like a refreshment for fayth. Whenever she felt trapped or agitated she used to run miles. She likes the feeling when she cuts through the air like a bullet. The thumping of adrenaline in her veins and most, she liked the rhythm of her heartbeats with her every step. She felt unstoppable whenever she runs. But right now she is feeling anything but that.

Her steps were unstable and fast. Fayth breaths through her mouth, to get as much as air and to fuel more energy to her muscles. She was scared but her drills were grounded well. She takes a right turn and there, she could see the stairs. She moves fast and upward toward them. And finally, she stops a foot away from the terrace entrance.

Fayth did not know why this was the only place that came to her mind while running. Fayth opened the door which was unlocked, like always. The terrace of the C- wing was never locked for some unknown reason. After locking the door behind her when she felt the first explosion of air, she could not hold on anymore.

Fayth stumbled and took the help of a sidewall to support her weight. But her legs gave up and she falls directly to the floor still clutching the wall. Fayth knew she was trembling like a batter head of a drum when the drummer creates music with it.
When the dust of particles trembles with it. She was shaking like that. And fayth also knows that if she did not control herself, there is no way she would be able to stand her ground in this Academy.

First, she tries to monitor her breathing, which she just realised had been stopped. She took a long gasp of breath. But then remembers her study,
Breath in then out. Fayth says to herself. But her nerves were not calming nor her breathing.
"Breath fuçking in then out!" Fayth gritted her teeth in anger. "Can't even do that you pathetic piece of shit!" She punches the floor in a moment of anger. Her knuckles open easily so she could see the drops of blood. Coated in scarlet colour. And that is when she gains control over herself again.

Okay. Calm.

She slowly starts to breathe in and then after a second she lets all the air out of her lungs. She continues to do the process till she did not need to remind herself of doing it. Her trembling finally came in control. Fayth closes her eyes and after a moment of silence, she opens them. And stares at nothing in particular.

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