|18| She Descended.

138 13 28

All the thinking will be in Italic font.

The chapter is unedited.
(I'll edit them after some time.)
Like always.

"She's not for everyone and she knows it., people find her different and strange.
She dances in the rain, she laughs when she cries and loves through her pain.
People fear the unknown and they never knew a girl like her."

Third-person POV-

Love is some strange thing.
It has different name and meanings, According to all the being.

For Wolves, research proclaims that-
They only have one companion for their entire life span. Even after one of the pair has died, the other one does not mate again.
For them maybe that is Love.

And as for humans,
Love is feeling. We all know that.
We all know that there are many kinds of love.

For one,
Love is something they can die for.
For another,
Love is the only thing they are living for.

Both have their own reasons.
Or there could be none.

Many have tried to clarify the exact meaning of love.
And my question is,
Is that possible?

Love is a simple yet most complicated aspect of the world.

And as for Fayth,
Love is a curse.
A curse, whenever she thought it had lifted,
It was forced upon her with more craft.

Fayth notices the flowers- which were placed on her dorm window., which were slightly pink and were ready to bloom.

It was already late in the evening.

Have you ever really notice the difference between early and late evening?

Fayth do.

Today was a little hectic for fayth,
With students who were too eager to become friend with her but most of giving her death stares.

And the all chaos was because of one 'hey' from Nolan.

The most enthusiastic 'hey' in history!

And fayth cussed Nolan for that.
He had no idea how difficult it was for fayth after he had shouted 'hey fayth!' to her with his biggest smile and two hands waving from across the corridor.

It was fortunate that there were not many students as it had happened early in the morning.

But the did have already done.
Students began to notice her., Which was fayth's biggest fear for now.

Fayth had listened to all the whispers-
Who the fûck is she!?
Did Nolan just say hey to her?
Oh, please someone give me a break! Her?
She is so...ugly.
Ikr- there must be some mistake.

And many more.- more scary.
Fayth did not even want to remember them.

"I'll wear my hoodie again and would never come in front of Nolan. Yes. That is what I'll do. And after some days no-one will remember that incident." Fayth concluded finally.

"What should I do about this boy!?" Fayth huffed annoyingly,

She shakes her head and fisted her hands in frustration.

"Focus. Focus on the priority."

Carter has messaged her that today he will not be able to come to the classroom. He had to do some project.

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