|17| The Rules of The Fate.

195 15 37

Third-person pov:
All the thinking will be in Italic font.
Flashback will be in Bold font.
Please excuse my grammatical mistakes.

Aiden looked out of the window toward the sun as it was going down. Hiding behind the view of marvellous mountains.

But there was still a lot of time left till darkness.

For obvious reason, It looked beautiful, but for him, it looked like- as if the sun was mocking him. Aiden hissed at the sun in a warning. As if it would change anything.
He wanted to look at the view for some more time.

But screams were too loud for his ears to block.

He looks away from the window angrily and walks toward the man who was screaming- crying loudly.

And his screams were justified.
As two men were beating him mercilessly.

"Please... Please stop." The man pleaded as tears and blood coated his face. The man didn't know what he had done to be here.

Aiden shows his hand toward the person who was standing nearby.
Two of them stopped beating the poor soul. And went out of the room.

Aiden slowly walks toward the man who was barely hanging there on the floor and kneeled down to his level.

His expression were usual.
His facial expression can be described as a blank paper with only questions.

Aiden looked at the man and smiled his usual lazy smile.
That smile means anything but something good.
Aiden had hacked the academy computer. And the only unusual thing was this.

"I'll ask you something and you will answer that. If your answer will satisfy me then you will be at your home with medical care. But if your answers do not suffice me then The results are something you would not like." Aiden said as he stands up and took the chair. He sat with his legs stretched. But there was a small knife in his hand as he played with its tip.

Nick Josen knows who was in front of him. Sitting like he owns the world. He had heard a lot about this person. All horrible things from his mates but had never seen him until today. He always wondered, why everyone is so terrified of 18 years old kid. ?
Aiden Alexander.
But Now he understood Why is that.
It is like you are looking at monster himself. So unusual.
Nick is more terrified of him than those who had beaten him.
But he didn't know why he was here.?

Nick nodded shakily.
Anything to get out of this situation.

"So tell me, Nick. What do you do for your living." Aiden asked.

"I'm... I'm unemployed right now." Nick answered unsurely.

"Have you always been unemployed?"

"No. I was a watchman at...Elite Academy."
That is how he knows Aiden.

"You are doing good Nick. I'm impressed. Now answer me. Why did you resign from your job.?" Aiden's voice still as the tip of the knife.

Nick tensed up.
"I...I had something to do at my hometown that's w-"

But he stopped at Aiden's expression.
Aiden smirked and came closer to Nick until he was just a mere inch away from him and run his knife's tip over Nick's cheek slowly. With a slight pressure. Not enough for a cut but enough for a warning.

Nick was on hypervaleting.
he has never felt this kind of panic in his 30 years of experience.
Fear filled all of his senses.
He starts to tremble.

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