|5| Manipulator.

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“And he looked at me,
Like there was something in me
worth looking at.” - Unknown.

Third-person POV:

All the thinking will be in Italic font.

Fayth felt emotionally drained because of the recent incident and the fact that she met Vanessa and Selena. On top of that, Selena did not take any liking toward Fayth, the opposite of that actually.

Fayth could see it, even though they only had eye contact for a second.

According to Noah, they are the powerful people here. They can harm her effortlessly. She is scholarship student on top of that- no one to have her back here was pretty risky.

She was missing Noah and Violet. If they both would have been here then maybe-

Fayth shook her head to get rid of negative thoughts.

From tomorrow. I would not involve myself with any of them.

If that means that, I have to change my room then I will do that.

Fayth took a long breath to calm herself down but jumped in shock when she felt a hand on her waist. She was ready to throw the person on their back but then she remembers, she is a student and should not do anything which can give headlights on her head.

So, Fayth tried to do what any other girl would have done. However, before she can scream a hand covers her mouth.

Her heart dropped and she fisted her hand. Not now. Then calculated her surroundings. No one was here besides them.

There were two people in total,
One of them has grabbed her but she can sense another physique behind her.

Fayth observes them, they both looked healthy, a bodyguard kind of way. With six feet in height and muscles.

She pursed her lips,
Someone has sent them here.
That was obvious., but who?

Who is her opposer here besides them? And if she thinks logically,
Which she is. Then these people are not who she thinks they are. Because no one knows that she is here in the first place.

Then who are these?

By judging their mode, She can guess that they were taking her to the person who has ordered them.

Fayth has no problem with that, so she obliged.

But when one of them set a sellotape on her mouth and the other placed her on his shoulder.

All of her reasoning went out of the window and she starts to wiggle frantically.

Put me down. I can walk just right you potato shacks!

The person beside her unexpectedly grabbed her shoulder.
"Don't make this difficult for you as well as for us kid, we will not harm you until you make us."

Kid!? Who? Me?
Are you kidding me! Let's meet on the mat then you will know who is kid!
Fayth humphs.

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