|2| Fayth Williams.

314 26 60

Third- Person POV :)

All the thinking will be in Italic font.


If one could dictate their emotions as per their will, would that be a good thing or would it destroy the essence of humanity?

It's been more than 5 hours since the three of them were in Noah's car. The girl was staring at nature through the car window and Violet was busy with her phone.

It was a long ride and they all were tired.

The sound of candies being busted was enough of a sign to know what Violet was doing.

As for Noah, he was the driver.

Nature was on its full-blown, majestic trees of bull pine looked magical as if someone has painted the whole scenario.

The girl opened the window, breathing in the fresh Air.

Any of the modern air coolers would not be able to beat this freshness.

Red closed her eyes, letting her emotions run wild with her imagination. And when she finally closed the window, she decided she would capture this picture on her canvas.

Painting helps her to find peace.

Noah gripped the steering wheel a little tighter and then he looked toward the Girl through the back mirror. Knowing his next words can bring his dolls' mood down, but- "Doll..."

The girl looked at him and tilted her head. "What?"

It took a moment for him to ask the question, "What about your parents? Did you get them?"

The question was dropped in the silence like a bomb.

Violet gulped with the sudden change in atmosphere. The girls' parents were a topic- she hated. They all did.

That was a heavy blow for the girl, her chest felt heavy. She tried her best to hide the expression but it was already late- Noah caught them.

The girl turned her head toward the window, hiding her expression as well as the emotions from both of them.

"Fucking hell! They have crossed the line this time. We know that they do not care but this time! God! They did not come to visit and they-"


He stopped at her voice. It was sad. So sad.

"Leave it, it doesn't matter and they did messaged me and already said goodbye." The girl fidgeted with her fingers and said the lie. She doesn't want her friend to worry about her.

Violet clenched her teeth."Wow, Such awesome parents, they are." Her voice was deep with sarcasm.

The girl gives a warning look to Violet.


Violet was angry and it was understandable. Red, her friend, had always missed the parent's love since her childhood and it become a scar for her. It should not matter if you are the busiest human being on the planet, but you should take care of your children. There are no excuses for that.

Fortunately and surprisingly, Noah kept his mouth shut after the heated question.

After a while, with the help of Google Maps. They all arrived at their destination.

The Elite Academy.

The Academy was built in between the forest. It was surrounded by trees. The nearest town was thirty kilometers away. Nature was serene.
Not even a leaf was shaking. Everything was stiff and for some unknown reason, it irked the girl.

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