|10| Embarassed

152 19 16

Third-person POV:

All the thinking will be in Italic font.

Nolan looks at fayth with a classic smirk playing on his lips that slowly went away and genuine smile took a place upon it.

Nolan has noticed that fayth was avoiding him at all cost. From their last encounter and he did not liked the concept of it.

So when he sees her,
Going somewhere, in this evening.

He didn't even give a second thought,
And started to follow fayth.

At first, he was confused. What is she doing here?
On the 5th floor. It was basically abandoned.

But After following her for some time.
His mind comes at the conclusion that She was trying to find something. And from her action,
she was desperate for that.

What could that be?

And when she finds the thing she was looking for.
From where he was stood,
He can see that it was a ring.

Why that ring is so important?

His heart stops for a second.
Is she engaged?
No way.

But then he felt confusion toward his reaction.
Nolan shakes his head to remove the absurd thought.

What is wrong with me?

But her reaction was priceless.
She was jumping like a child.
How much he wanted to just grab her.
Her smile was beautiful and precious.

Just like her.

And her reaction after seeing him,
Like a deer in the headlights.

"Can you hear me.?" Nolan Asked. His voice anything but serious.

Fayth gulped."Arhh...wha...t" her mind was still gasping the fact that she had found a thing and Nolan walker had caught her.
But then Fayth came to her senses.
"I mean...yes." She replied. Covering her flushed red face with the shield of her hair.

"Now, that's good to hear," Nolan replied as he looked at her.
So cute.

Why I'm Always in this kind of situation in front of him. Always so damn embarrassed.
Pull yourself together girl!!
fayth scolded herself.

Through this process,
she had smartly put the ring in her pocket. Hiding from Nolan.

Fayth walked toward the door.
"I would be going now. I have work to do." Unlike you. She wanted to add that but held back.

She was about to walk out of it.

Just one step then you would be out.
Just one step.,
Fayth thought while walking toward the door.
But then, her little journey and thoughts were stopped, as someone placed their hand in front of her frame, stopping her in her tracks.

Can you guess? Whose hands are those?
Yes Yes you are right. Nolan walker stood in front of Fayth in all his glory and a little bit of smirk.

Fayth quickly tried to remove his arm but it was in vain. He was too muscular for her.

What does he eat in the breakfast? Mixed cereal of hulk, Bruce Lee and a fangirl!

Nolan tilted his head toward Fayth. "But I didn't say you can." He placed his other hand behind her head on the door.

And who is asking your permission!?
Fayth barely stopped these words from coming out of her mouth.

Fayth was Trapped in between his masculine Arms and door.

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