|14| The Start.

117 15 9

New character- brittney.

Third-person pov-
All the think will be in Italic font.

It was morning.
A beautiful one, if you notice the atmosphere.

Marley went to the bathroom.
And Fayth knows that Marley will at least take 30 minutes for a shower.

So she pulls out the ring from the drawer.

She examines the ring.
Then tried to pull the bluestone but it didn't work.

She again tried other techniques to pull the stone.
But it was in vain.

It is even the right thing.?

Then in the frustration, she pushes the ring to the floor with strength.

And like a miracle, the blue stone was out of the socket.
But there was something else along with the stone.

It was a small paper.

Fayth quickly went toward it and grabbed the paper.

It was small piece of paper. Fayth unfolded it.

There were some lines of pencil.
They make it look like a box.
Several boxes to be exact.
And on one of the boxes, there was a big dot of Scarlet colour.

When Fayth put her finger on exact red dot and smelled it.
She gasped and dropped the paper.
Her heartbeat went wild in her body.
Her breathing became heavy.
She closes her eyes to calm down.

Because the red dot was blood.

Whose blood is this?
And why is this blood in the paper?
Is this blood -

"No," Fayth said out loud.

"No, what no?" Fayth didn't realize that Marley was out of the bathroom and now in front of her.

"Hey, are you okay? You look pale." Marley asked as she sees the face of Fayth.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Fayth said and quickly went toward the paper to pick it up.
But before she can make it to the paper, Marley took the paper in her hand.

"What is this?"

"Nothing," Fayth replied casually. "I was just making some lines"

Markey examines it. "But doesn't this look like the map of our Academy?"


Marley nodded and pointed toward the lines on the paper. "Yeah, look there are some lines you have drawn but if you look closely. This is the main three building of the Academy." 

Fayth stayed quiet.

"But why is there a red dot on here?" That question alone was enough to make Fayth uneasy.

"huh?" Fayth shrugged her shoulders.

"The place is a old library of the Academy" Marley pointed out.

"I don't know, I just was making this and there was a red marker beside me, so I kind of used it"

But on inside Fayth was panicking.

"So there is a library there? I've not heard about it" Fayth asked.

"Yeah, it's the old one. No one really uses it after the Academy has made the new one." Marley says and then laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you are so concentrated on the Academy that you didn't even know that you have drawn the map."
Marley replied, still laugh on her lips.

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