|4| Meetings.

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"There's something about a woman
With a loud mind that sits in silence,
Smiling- knowing she can crush you
With the Truth."

All the thinking will be in Italic font. (You know the things we say in our mind)

Third person POV:

Fayth crossed one of the corridors with a frown on her face, The incident with Nolan Walker was something she wished to erase from her memories.

The girl was disappointed with herself. How can she not know that Marley and Nolan are siblings, they both are Walker for god's sake!

But it was a coincidence and it should remain just that.

Fayth clenched her teeth.

How come I become so dumb?

But after that, Everything was going according to her schedule.

Today was her first day at this Academy and she was doing well. No one was giving attention to her, its been almost over for the day. With her hunched shoulders and a tag of scholarship student, There was no excitement for the new student.

But it all changed, when she went to the bathroom because of her damn bladder.

Here, She met a person she would never forget. Yet we all are puppets of fate in this world. She was destined to meet this person, not having a slightest idea of how their destinies are going to be entangled.

After doing her work, Fayth was washing her hands when she noticed the girl across the wall, her back was toward Fayth, so she couldn't see her face.

But the girls shoulders were shaking, like she was crying. At first fayth thought that, she should just mind her own business but then as if her leg's had their own mind,
they begin to walk toward the girl.

Fayth was almost there, just to ask her. Are you okay? She should do that, right?
It would cost nothing to be kind.

But before Fayth could do anything.
Suddenly the door of the bathroom opened and came another girl, her breakneck high heels making the perfect sound of click-clack.

Fayth could not help but admire the girl who just came, long- straight hairs with rich brown colour, pulled together in a high ponytail. The black skirt looked like, it was made for her.
Eyes sharp as eagle and confidence!

Fayth was busy with eyeing the girls clothes that she didn't notice the expression.

Which were totally lethal and cold

"Ohh, the precious baby is crying?" The girl said mockingly while walking toward the other girl. "Her mom and dad don't love her? Do you want a hug? poor baby."

Fayth tilted her head to the side, to look toward the crying girl.

The girl continued with her speech. "But who will love a girl like you? you don't deserve anyone's love, not even your parents "

The words were full of hate and coldness. And Fayth didn't know what to do?

who are these girls?
But the important question was.
How the fuçk do I get out of here?
No other students were there, besides three of them.

Fayth silently observed.

Then suddenly other girl- who looked like she was silently crying- turned around and did something.

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