Flourishing Scars

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News headlines were talking nonstop about the reveal of the UA infiltrator. This news further amping up your popularity, so now at the train station you were surrounded by more children, as well as the same three from yesterday.

"I told you I'd be back!" Said the little boy with the proposal.

"I see, how have you been?" You responded while signing a little girl's back pack, as she stared up at you with stars in her eyes.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you." He whispered with a sly look in his eye.

You laughed at him uncomfortably as you handed the girl her bag, and took a cap from a little boy. The kid's brother and sister from yesterday hit him on the head, telling him to stop being weird. A parent then asked for a picture for her twin boys. Reaching out to them you hugged them both, and smiled brightly at the camera.

"Damn, the same shit again?" You looked up to see Bakugo walking towards you annoyed by the children's immense presence.

"Damn, the same shit again?" You looked up to see Bakugo walking towards you annoyed by the children's immense presence

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"Well you saw the news right?" You asked him handing back the cap and waving good bye to the children.

"Yeah, some dumbass possessed one of the damn teachers." He answered walking up to you. "Then you and that sleepy head extra got him out."

Shrugging your shoulders, you picked up your bag, after checking on Kuroko who was asleep in your bag. "Ready to go?"

He nodded. The two of you started to walk. There was silence between you two for a few moments. It felt uncomfortable to you, still you remembered what happened yesterday as well as your words. You looked up at Bakugo, his face was devoid of emotion. There was nothing there, just a straight face. Heaving a sigh you looked away, and pulled out your phone to occupy yourself.

As you did Bakugo looked down at you. Your face was mysteriously bright, although there was a hint of defeat in it
Why? Like he would know. He still couldn't believe he caught feelings for you. At first when he couldn't stop these thoughts of you he assumed it was because he saw you as a threat to his climb to the top.

Then came the constant glancing, his obsession with your laugh, and your boldness when you spoke to him. Lastly, you really screwed him over with the shit at the sports festival. You were the only one who understood his frustration and pain in that moment. Now that he's got an idea of how to handle this, he just needs to not screw it up.

"So what the hell are we doing today then?" He asked you.

"Oh, um." You started a little surprised he spoke first. "You remember what I said about your hand to hand right?"

The male furrowed his brows at the comment. "Yeah, I fucking remember Twinkle."

A small snort escaped your lips at the name. "Well, I've got a relative of mine, who can teach you how to improve."

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