The Bet🌟

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Edit: Y'all really got this shit to 1k. I don't know what to say, but thank you so much.

The two of you entered the kitchen and you went straight to the fridge. You pondered what to make as Bakugo stood by you waiting. Closing the fridge you thought further tapping your leg slightly. Little did you know how down bad this man was as he stared at you.

Just watching you think was attractive to him. Taking your hands you tied up your braids in a bun, showing off more of that face he would look at for hours. Suddenly he threw his head back sighing silently. This shit is kicking my ass dammit, I am too fucking down bad for this idiot.

"Puppy." He perked up at his name from you. "You know how to make Mac and Cheese?"

"Fuck's that?" He asked.

"Another family favorite of mine." You said taking out the macaroni box. "Pour all of this in a boiling pot as I look for what else to add."

Bakugo took the box heading over to where your pots were kept. As he put it on the stove, you took out the flour, butter, and shredded cheeses. You went back in the fridge and took out some lobster you had in there. Then you looked back in once more to get some sausage and bacon.

"Puppy pick a dessert, brownies or pie?" You asked him.

He turned to you leaning on the counter. Bakugo looked off in thought before raising a brow. "Pie." He said.

"Okay," you went back to the fridge before pausing. "wait. Did you chose pie cuz of what Pichu was saying?"

Bakugo paused as he was looking through the ingredients. He looked at you then looked away with a sparkle in his eye. "Maybe."

A soft giggle escaped your mouth as you opened the fridge. "I swear your sense of humor is something else." The male scoffed as you got out more ingredients and spices and meat, you looked over all the food you had on the counter.

"Ready to start?" You asked him.

"Yeah, let's get this shit over with." He said getting the starch butter and cheeses. "I'm using this for the Mac and Cheese?"



"All right, that's in the oven." You said as Bakugo placed the pan of Mac and Cheese inside. "The pie fillings are ready?"

The male walked up to the pots on the stove and checked them with the wooden spoons. "Yeah it's good."

"Okay bring over the blueberry one, can you finish scoring these pastries." He handed you the pot, as he went to the pastry to finish scoring.

You poured in the blueberry filling, as Alastor walked in. "Mm. This place smells great what y'all makin?"

"Loster Mac and Cheese, little smokies, roadhouse ribs, apple pie and blueberry pie." You said covering the pie.

"Damn," he said surprised. "So you got some for a sibling. Or three?"

You looked over at him humorous. "The three of you will eat too."

He punched the air with a silent yes. You rolled your eyes at him making sure the sides of it were sealed.

"Hey Twinkle I'm done with this." He told you.

"Okay, let me get the apple." Walking back to the stove you picked up the pot. "Get the spoon and guide it inside."

Bakugo silently took the spoon and guided the filling inside. Alastor watched the two of you closely. Quietly he hummed to himself raising any eyebrow at the sight. Well this looks intriguing. She said no boyfriend. He silently scoffed. Not yet I guess.

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