The Final Blow

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Good they're gone, you thought to yourself twirling your spear as All Might stared you down. it will take them 5 minutes to get to the exit.

With your legs still in the form of a horse's legs you kicked at the hero quickly. He blocked your hits swiftly as you listened for the boys' footsteps in the distance. They're halfway there, 8 minutes left. You thought to yourself as you jumped away and your legs turned back to normal.

"I will admit your stronger than I had anticipated Young Aizawa." All Might said to you as he threw a punch for you to dodge jumping upwards.

"Even with half your strength," he continued as barrage you with punches, deflected by the twirling of your spear. "You're proving to be," you touched the ground, and finally he landed a punched into the rod the force putting cracks in the building as the two of you stood frozen. "more of a challenge."

"Glad I could satisfy." You responded nonchalant as your chest heated up. Pushing forward to swatted away his fist from your spear.

All Might raised his other fist at you, and as he brought it forward, you smacked it down into the ground with the spear. Stepping on it with your horse hoof, you blew mouth into a bubble as flames flew from your lips. The fire scorching his faces, as with his other hand slapped you away. He yelled loudly at the burning pain in his face.

Plunging your spear into the ground you stopped your flight. Once regaining your footing you ran towards him. Unable to open his eyes at you he raised his fist once more.

"Texas Smash!" From his hand a forceful gust blew at you.

Before you could be whisked away with rubble brown wings sprouted from your back, and you flew up. From above you watched the force of the attack blow the rocks and debris towards the entrance but conveniently paused before reaching the pair at the exit.

With him blinded he can't discern where I am. You thought to yourself as you tucked your wings diving down towards him quickly like a bullet. This will be over quickly. You fell into him, your legs now hooves plunging into his chest, and slamming him into the ground.

Raising your spear to point it at his throat, he caught the spear in his palms, squinting through his pain ridden eyelids, he threw the sear from your grasp. About to to take hold of you, you jumped upward, and away from the giant.

All Might got back on his feet forcing his eyes open. You stood there, still staring him down, and still holding on to the chain.

"Will that chain serve you any use Young Aizawa?" He asked asked gripping his fists. "If I remember correctly," he continued as his muscles seemed to grow. "Divine Entitlement has a time limit, 10 minutes if I'm correct. You've had it going before the test started. Once it wears off, you'll be in a more tired state than before. I can defeat you with a single punch."

You stood silent, with the hand not holding the chain, you opened it to your spear. It returned to your hand and you stood it up. "You're right, and I really hate using Divine Entitlement because of that. " You said as your muscles started to vibrate, the starry orbs of Starlight started to seep from your body. "However it is only in this form I can turn Starlight into something more."

The unease in All Might's mind returned. There's only one minute of Divine Entitlement left, and 3 minutes left of the test. I must finish this quickly, although I couldn't get Young Bakugou or Midoriya. I should at least take Y/N out of the equation.

He lunged forward barreling down the path towards you. Still gripping the chain you held the spear in both hands. Lights still seeping from your body, but now at a quicker rate. All Might raised his fist and brought it down on you. "DETROIT SMASH!!!!" He bellowed loudly as the attack came down. The force sending shock waves in the ground. Dust flew up and around covering his view of you and the area.

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