Rage Beyond Measure

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"Hey Puppy."

The blonde turned his head to you watching you casually drink the liquid through the straw of your beverage. It seemed your attention was on the screen of your phone. He narrowed his eyes at you and your sudden call for him.

"The fuck do you want?" He asked shaking around the ice in his.

"Just curious what would you do in the event that I lose my power, and couldn't fend for myself?" You asked looking up at him innocently.

Katsuki narrowed his eyes at your unexpected curiosity. "The fuck type of question is that?"

You shrugged your shoulders side-eyeing him as he cheeks flushed softly. "Like I said just curious." Looking away you continued to type away at your phone. "Well?"

He glared at you again. "What?"

"What would do if that happened to me? And people I've had beef with tried to hurt me?"

"I'd kick their ass." He said blatantly.

Your brows raised, as a smile crept to your face. "So you'd keep me safe Puppy?" Asking innocently the blonde sucked his teeth as his face reddened.

"Hell no! I refuse to have some low life motherfucker whoop your ass before I do. So once you're back at full strength your ass is on your own." He argued harshly as you laughed quietly. "Yeah, I want someone to try and kick your ass while you're down. I'll whoop that coward's ass."

You smirked slyly at his response, knowing very well that was not the real reason. But the thought made you happy that he wouldn't let anyone hurt you. Your chest warmed at the thought of his rage.


Aizawa cut off the call before walking away, leaving his students in the waiting area shaken. Izuku could feel his body shake and boil in anger. Threatening to peirce through his hands as he clenched his fists.

"Oh my god." Denki whispered quietly running his fingers through his hair. "Fucking bastards."

Xiao'yuer took the band out of his head, letting his white locks fall around his face. He let out a sigh. "Everyday I wonder how she hasn't murdered him the moment he dumped her."

"Shoto." Iida called out to him.

The male once staring off into space expressionless slowly looked over at him. "Yeah?"

"Did you know about this?"

Shoto blinked slowly before heaving a sigh. "Xiao'yuer told me the night after the incident with Stain after I was released from the hospital." He admitted choking back a cry. "Then we came back to school and you were asking about her gestures, I wanted to cry so hard."

Hitoshi sighed loudly before he got up leaving the area. Izuku could feel a pit grow in his chest. He'd never felt so angry before, he wanted to hurt something. Someone. I really have spent too much time around the both of you.


Sibyl was trembling softly finally done talking. Kratos bit his lip looking away from the fox regretting the words sparking his rant. Lilith and Zues sat in silence with Amon and Mai. Your sister still on the floor stroked her stomach softly with her thumbs. Dropping her head the blue braids fell casting a shadow in her face.

In their silence Astor walked over to Sibyl before kneeling next to the fox. He placed his hand on Sibyl's head before stroking it softly. "Thank you for taking care of her Sibyl. To the best of your ability."

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