Chapter 65: Maturity Levels of Zero

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"What do you mean? You said I could keep it..."

"I wha—? I did not say that! EVER!"

The detective glanced down at the dog sitting on the ground. "Did he say I could keep it?" he asked out loud, to which Kota simply made a sound in the back of his throat akin to a low breath of air. No one could possibly know what it was supposed to mean. Alec then turned back to Ryder and grinned. "I think he said yes."


"You just did."

By the love of god how old were these two?

"What no I—UGH! You know what West—?!" Ryder proceeded to go off with a loud series of incoherent ranting against the detective as the two men arguably squabbled in what was—in Maize's opinion—the stupidest argument of all time.

Shortly after they had left behind the scene of Azeal's arrest, it hadn't taken much of a walk outside before Ryder was once again reminded by the fact that he was mad at both of them for being 'self-inviting non-respecting no-good-utter-thieves'—as he had put it. And with that came the unavoidable consequence of the dog-wrangler and the detective getting into a heated argument, though Maize remembered hearing more slews of random insults than any legitimate point-making. Somehow, the discussion had moved to how they would be getting back to the motel they had left the remainder of their stuff—and with that came its own new set of complications. Namely; the fact that Alec suddenly got it in his head that the car he had driven here belonged to him now.

However and whenever that train of thought had started, Maize didn't want to know and didn't want to ask—less the answer only add fuel to the blistering fire between the two arguing men in front of her.

"It's my fucking car! The answer is NO!" Ryder continued to shout, his face heated with anger while Alec stood there cool as a cucumber.

"Oh come one, you didn't even notice I had it until just now. You have so many back at your house anyway, what does it matter if I borrowed one?"

"Um borrowed? Don't you mean STOLE!?"

"Meh, tomaeto-tomato," Alec said with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.


Maize pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep inhale as the two idiots began to bicker all over again.

For the ever love of god. If seemed any time she wasn't busy nearly getting herself killed, she was stuck listening to this. And for a moment, she began to contemplate which was more of an aggravation. At least one of those options didn't assure the loss of brain cells with each second that passed...

"Maize are you going to say anything?!" Ryder exclaimed. She frowned from the positioned seat she had taken when the whole scene began—leaning against the hood of the very car they were arguing about—and shrugged her already folded arms.

"I'm not getting involved with...whatever this is," she said, shaking her head dismissively.

Ryder looked at her, incredulous. "Are you serious? Your idiot of a cop partner is trying to re-steal my car! Permanently! If anything—show some concern that he might have actually acquired some sort of brain damage while you were fighting!"

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