Chapter 5: Hunter in the Shadows

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After a bit more consideration about the next course of action to take, the Captain told them he would need a set 24 hours to put whatever plan he had in mind to work, in light of what Kishan had told them. Having to be cautious of both the federal bureau and a powerful crime gang—it wouldn't be a sinch, that was for sure. Until then, however, he made it clear that Kishan shouldn't be allowed to stay the night in the roughed up hotel—which is why Alec had said he could lay low at his place.

They were driving down fourth echo's street after Alec had returned briefly to the precinct to pick up his car. During the drive, Alec noticed how Kishan began picking at his old unwashed clothing uncomfortably.

"I think I could use a fresh pair of clothes," he chuckled, trying to keep his tone light. "These are over a week old."

"Sure, you can take care of all that stuff when we get to my place," Alec assured. Kishan gave a nod of thanks before casting a look around at the moving street outside.

"So, where do you live anyway?" he piped up curiously. "I noticed it wasn't in the NYPD database when I was trying to track you down..."

"You hacked into the NYPD?" Alec deadpanned.

"No...I just—logged into their servers...without clearance..."

"That's hacking," Alec rolled his eyes, Kishan always was crafty, and slick about it when he wanted to be.

Kishan shrugged in response. "I had to start somewhere..."

Alec couldn't hold back a chuckle. "You haven't changed much have you?"

"Other than the whole currently running for my life thing—no not really."

Alec rolled his eyes at Kishan's sarcastic remark, but the mood turned serious as he stared straight ahead. "Listen, we're going to help get you out of this, get your name cleared, one way or another."

"Huh, I knew I came to you for a reason," Kishan joked, once again keeping the mood light. "So...tell me, what with that bounty hunter, hmm?"

Alec's smile faded into irritation. "Maize? What about her?"

"What's her story? She seems interesting."

"Why the interest?"

Kishan shook his head quickly and smiled. "No interest, just, two friends?"


Kishan closed his eyes. "That explains a bit. She doesn't seem to like you very much..."

Alec bit down on his jaw and resisted the urge to scoff out loud. "Believe me, the feeling is mutual." Kishan laughed at the bitterness in Alec's tone. "Anyway, we're here. Get your ass out of my car and follow me."

"Someone's in a mood," Kishan laughed as he got out. "Seems like you haven't changed much either."

They walked up to the apartment, Kishan following on Alec's tail. It was his job to watch over Kishan alone for now, the Captain had returned to the precinct, still needing to do his job as the primary figure of authority, and the bounty hunter had disappeared shortly after—Alec didn't care where.

They took the elevator up to the third floor, Kishan's hood up to disguise his face from the cameras. Alec wasn't sure whether the FBI or Zmeya gang were aware that Kishan had fled LA—it all depended on how intently they were looking for him. But neither of them felt like risking Kishan's face showing up on a camera and getting pinged by either party. Alec lead the way towards his apartment and pulled out his keys to unlock the door.

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