Chapter 14: Alec, baby!

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Maize regarded her surroundings doubtfully for what seemed like the tenth time in the past five minutes. The cobblestone roads were newer, not as run-down and cracked as the area they had been before, and even the houses and shops along the sides looked nicer and more expensive looking.

"Seriously, West," Maize spoke up, noticing how uncharacteristically overly quiet the detective had been since they started moving, "just where are we going?" she asked.

"Yeah...I'd like to know that too," Kishan added. "This area looks...richer, if you know what I mean. And while I don't pretend to understand how you think all the time, I can't imagine where we're supposed to lay low around here, he stated forwardly.

Maize actually agreed, "Also it's too well lit. Back there we had the shadows to cover us, but here, it's nothing but shiny lights. We wouldn't be able to lose the guys easily if they manage to catch up to us..."

Why did she keep trusting Alec to lead them? She really didn't know.

He seemed better suited to the role, equipped with enough of a sense of responsibility to look out for those around him and take charge of a situation. Whereas Maize had never been much of a leader herself, nor did she want to—though, that wasn't to say she had ever been much of a follower either. And partnership with Alec West or not, she would not accept being lead in blind.

Whatever idea he had, he didn't like it, that much was clear from his demeanour alone. She knew Alec wasn't stupid—or at least, not all the time...

He wouldn't do something reckless, would he?

Maize would like to believe that. Really, she would. But the detective's lack of effort to share any details to enlighten either of them made that rather difficult. Not to mention, the fact that he seemed to be ignoring both of them completely was beginning to tick her off.

She was at the end of her patience.

"West," she marched right up to him and pulled his arm so that he could turn and see the dead-serious expression in her eyes. The only thing she hated at the moment was the fact that she was shorter than him, and he had to look slightly down to look at her. Curse him and his height.

"What?" he grumbled agitatedly when she grabbed his sleeve, but when he saw her expression he paused and stared down at her."Will you stop glaring at me like that?" he asked, giving her a flat look when her glare didn't let up in the slightest.

"Tell us where we're going."

He frowned at her, drawing his arm back from her grip and shoving his hands into the pockets of his black jogging pants, "Hey, I said a had a place to go, didn't I? Isn't that enough?"

Kishan shrugged cheekily off to the side where he was watching the two, "Yeah...but you didn't actually tell us where—"

"Not helping, Kishan," Alec stated bluntly, running a hand through his hair aggravatingly. "And doesn't matter because we're already here."

Maize stopped herself from getting angry at his nonchalant attitude just in time to hear his words. "Wait, what?"

"I said we're here."

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