Chapter 15: Blades

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"Ok, so tell me again why we're on a bus on our way to Mexico City?" Kishan said, peeking out behind the sunglasses over his face.

They were sitting together where the seats connected from the sides of the bus at an angle, Kishan sideways with his back to the wall, Alec diagonally opposite, facing the front, and Maize in between the two, nearest to the window. She hadn't said much since they left Sophia's house the night before and used nearly the rest of the money Maize had stored away to track down a shuttle bus that would take them to Mexico City. Maize had yet to explain the reason why they were on their way to a seemingly random city with a bunch of tourists and senior citizens seated around them. However, between a nit-picky detective and a slightly paranoid on-the-run FBI agent, Maize knew they wouldn't get far before the two started demanding for answers.

Releasing a breath, she focused on the window beside her so she didn't have to look at the two pairs of eyes that she knew were staring at her as she answered, "Because an old contact of mine offered to help us."

And in 3...2...1

"What do you mean 'old contact'?" Alec asked incredulously, just as she predicted would follow. "Based on the type of contacts you've brought up before, we're going to need a little more information than that," he stated pointedly.

"Like you gave when you took us to blondie's house?" She returned half-heartedly.

"That was different," Alec muttered.

"How so?"

"I was taking us somewhere to hide out for a night," he emphasized, "you're taking us to a whole other city!"

Well, he does have a point there...Maize thought with a prick of annoyance at the detective.

"Can you trust this person? I mean, how'd they even know you were in trouble in the first place?" Kishan asked.

They have their ways...

"They could be working for the gang you know, it could be a trap..." Alec stated pointedly. As if she would be so stupid.

"Believe me, they don't work for Zmeya," Maize said.

The detective raised an eyebrow, "How can you be so sure?"

"Because," she answered simply, a hint of prowess in her tone, "they don't work for anyone."

Alec was studying her, a mix of doubtful yet considering expressions passing across his face as if he was trying to find a way to believe her but was struggling. His eyes still swam with suspicion as he narrowed his eyes, "And who is this person again?"

The answer, plain and simple, was someone a person of law enforcement would not bode well with. But to say that would cause for immediate argument—which Maize currently did not have the patience for.

Maize considered how to answer as her mind flashed back to a few distant memories, the most recent one, being the call that had taken place mere hours ago.

"Been a long time, Blades." Maize remembered listening to the voice as it came through the other end of the call, speaking so casual as if they had seen one another a mere few weeks ago—when in reality, it had been years. "I heard you could use some help."

"How did you get my number?" Maize responded after a moment, suspicious wavering in her voice that was chased out almost immediately at the response she received.

The person on the other end laughed whole-heartedly, "Come on, Blades, you know me...I've got eyes and ears everywhere. Which is also how I happened to hear that you, and a few others, have gained yourselves a little target on your heads. Knowing you, I doubt my intel is wrong. So, you still running with the old crowd or what?"

"It's nothing like that," Maize's response was quick, "it's just—"

Another amused laugh cut her off, "Relax, relax, I was just playing...I know the whole story about the...well, you know, which is why I'm offering to lend a little hand."

Maize paused, "I didn't remember you as such the generous one..." she stated, not unkindly. She could picture the look of amusement flashing across their face as they purred from the other end.

"To anyone else? No. To you, Blades, why, of course. I do owe you after all..."

Maize finally relaxed, even smiled though she knew it would not be seen. This was just the sort of break they needed. Maize only hoped she would be able to handle it.

"I appreciate it, C," she said nevertheless, choosing not to focus too much on the negative.

The voice hummed in acknowledgement, "Well, you know where to find me, I'll be expecting you soon enough. Just, try to stay out of trouble until you get here, alright?"

Maize smiled tightly, "No promises."

The opposite side sighed, "That was always like you, Blades..." they chuckled amusingly. "I'll see you soon."

Maize nodded to herself, "Yeah, see you soon."

Who was this person to Maize? To answer the detective's question;

"Just an old friend."

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