Chapter 6: Protection Detail

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The next day Alec stood in the Captain's office once again, hands shoved stiffly in the pockets of his jeans as he waited for his Chief to finish up with the call he was making. As that happened, he let his mind wander absently, it wasn't like there was much else he could do while he waited. The night prior the Captain had informed him that he would like to meet him in his office first thing in the morning, and Alec figured it couldn't be about anything but his friend's case. He had left Kishan in his apartment, saying he could do whatever he wanted until Alec got back—to which of course the man had responded jokingly with, "House arrest? Jeez West, you act as if the whole country is after me or something..."

Alec had merely rolled his eyes.

Now he waited patiently. Up until the moment the Captain put his phone down back on the receiver. The man then angled himself in his seat so he could fully regard the detective.

"I've made my decision," he stated. Alec waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't. Instead, he merely continued to stare off into the open space in thought.

"Uh, Chief? You want to fill me in or..."

"Yes, yes of course. As I said, I've made my decision, and I think it's best to assign our FBI friend a protection detail for the unforeseeable future. Until we can clear up the situation."

Alec nodded once in understanding. It was the most logical thing to do.

"I've decided that you and a partner will provide security, seeing how he already trusts you, and you have history. Besides, I would feel better if he was in capable hands."

Alec gave a slight nod of his head in agreement to the statement—or at least, most of it. He still doubted one thing. "Sir, is it really a good idea to bring another person into this? I mean I'm sure whoever you had in mind is capable and all, but I really don't need a partner. Besides, isn't it better to keep this between those who already know the situation at its fullest?" he asked.

"Don't worry, she already does."

She? Alec paused, staring at his Chief's expression before a pit of dread seeped into him as he realized.

"No," he deadpanned with a quick shake of his head. "Nuh-uh, no, not happening..."

"What do you mean?" the Captain asked, playing at false confusion while his detective sent him a stony glare, seeing right through it.

"Oh I think you know exactly what I mean," he growled accusingly, crossing his arms. "And there is no way I'm working with the damn bounty hunter."

The Captain remained unfazed by the harsh look on the detective's face. "Sorry Detective, but you don't exactly get a say in the matter of who else I assign on this case."

"Chief, please reconsider. There's no way I'll be able to work with her. She's reckless, she doesn't follow orders, and she's a danger to the operation. You know as well as I do that bounty hunters will sell out anything for the right price. What makes you think we can possibly trust her, of all people."

The Captain tilted his head to the side in consideration, studying the detective's defensive reaction. "I don't see what you mean," he replied sternly. "I'd think you'd have known her long enough now to know—"

"Oh come on, be real, Chief. Nobody actually knows anything about her except her. How will I be able to focus on the job when I'll have to worry about watching my back around her as well?"

"Maize is fully capable. And even if you do not fully trust her, I do, and my word should be enough," the captain countered meaningfully. Alec suddenly faltered for a moment, not quite sure how to respond to that without blatantly disrespecting his superior officer.

"Look, sir," he tried to say, "you know I trust you, but Maize is—"

"Going on this mission whether you like it or not."

Alec resisted the urge to throw his head back and groan in frustration as it was becoming painfully clear that his arguments were having no effect of swaying the Captain to change his mind.

Why does it have to be her though? Why? Why? Why?

The Captain gave a minimal shrug of his shoulders and Alec realized he had mumbled the question out loud.

"She's been...bored, so to say. Not to mention, asking for a more challenging task as of late."

"So?" Alec couldn't hold back the response and decided, after a moment, to just run with it. "I doubt this is what she meant."

"True, hunter's don't normally do protection, but, nevertheless, this is what's best to ensure the job's success—Which is to keep the gang, and the FBI, from finding Kishan before we have the chance to clear his name," he reminded Alec.

"But I don't need her, Captain, I'm perfectly capable of doing this on my own."

The Captain's patience was slowly beginning to wear thin with his detective's persistence. He just needed him to understand. "This is not me doubting your abilities, Detective. But you and I both know that keeping something out of the hands of the bureau is a difficult feat on its own—and in all honesty, we don't know what kind of resources Zmeya has up their sleeves. I believe Maize has the right set of skills that will provide very useful should the need arise. You will need her."


"No more arguing," the Captain ordered firmly. "My decision is final."

Alec leaned back and crossed his arms, letting out a breath to calm the frustration in his chest. "You know, I doubt she'll even agree to this if I'm involved," he stated spitefully, despite himself. But the Captain only smiled.

"Actually...she already has."

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