Chapter 30: Sends His Regards

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This was originally supposed to be part of chapter 29, but it had been getting rather long so I decided to break it up.


He decided to start off simple, with the platitude question that each of them must have seen coming. "Alright..." he began, eyes narrowed forward with a mask of ice. This was the beginning of his interrogation. "Who are you?"

He was met with a chuckle. This coming from the man, who had an unnerving glint in his eyes.

"Now why would we answer you that?" he wondered out loud, his voice strangely casual,  as if he were simply jeering with a long time friend.

Which was far from the case here.

Alec narrowed his eyes. "Because, I'm the one holding the gun," he answered with emphasis.

The man eyes the barrel of the gun trained down on him with a flash of devious humour, as if it were no more than a water gun that Alec had pointed at his chest. But he shrugged his shoulders nonetheless and replied with, "Fair enough."

"Names?" Alec said, his chilled glare not letting up in the slightest. He didn't know why, but the two before him gave him the worst kind of uneasy feeling—and it didn't settle well with him. He needed to know why.

"Since you asked so nicely..." the man chuckled again, but his eyes had lost a hint of their previous glinting. Each of the strangers seemed to be analyzing something, their eyes like unreadable panels of glass, reflecting his own expressions back at him.

"Why don't you quit stalling already?" Maize suddenly cut in, though her tone was lined with a hint of devious humour as she smirked knowingly at each of the two in turn. "That, or I'll just spit it out myself."

"You know of us?" This time it was the woman who spoke, sounding amused. There was a look in her eyes as she analyzed Maize, but the bounty Hunter either didn't mind or didn't care—either way, she remained unfazed.

Maize kept her composure cool, and the smirk hadn't left her face in the slightest. "Silan and Luke Sokolov, am I right? Or at least, those are the aliases you two go by. Originally Russian trained mercenaries now international deploy agents for hire. I hear a few things here and there in my line of work and I do my research. Word is you two are the real deal...So, by all means, what are you doing here—chasing after our lot? Surely, we're nothing like any of the high-level targets you've gone after before?" she questioned almost playfully. "This must be quite the bore."

Alec stared at her. Evidently, she was more well informed than he thought. Hell, he hadn't even known that bit of information.

"I'm impressed," the one called Silan smiled. "I didn't think a simple bounty hunter from Brooklyn would know these things..."

The look on her face was evident enough, a look that said; we do our research as well.

"I tend to be the exception when it comes to what people think," Maize responded without disconcerting. Silan smiled.

"I bet." Something about those words were off. "So, speaking as two women in such a similar line of work, I'm sure it is recognized that this is not personal," she said.

Maize stated, "If it's not so personal, care to tell me who hired you?"

"That is personal."

"To you?"

"To you."

Maize went silent before she regained herself. "Pissed someone off did we? Well, I can't say that's surprising. We have been being very evasive lately."

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