Chapter 17: Favor

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"She wasn't really serious about the whole dress code thing, was she?" Kishan asked out loud, holding up a sleek and expensive-looking navy blue tux by the hanger, staring at it considerably—as if he were trying to decide whether or not he was more impressed by it or appalled that he might have to wear it.

It was one of many within the oak wood closet he stood in front of. It hadn't taken long to find out that—whether coincidentally or not—a variety of dress ware rested conveniently in each of their appropriate sizes. Kishan had wasted no time looking through it, curiosity getting the better of him.

Alec stayed leaned against the window, frowning at the ground outside. He wasn't listening much to Kishan.

Ever since they had got there, he had been noting the people that passed in and out of his vision; some were civilians, just here for a fun night, that much was obvious—but others, not so much. To say he didn't trust being in this place was an understatement. It wasn't just some regular leisurely casino either.

And then there was their supposed 'hostess'. That woman was a whole other set of reasons to be suspicious. For one, how the hell had she known who he and Kishan were? How did she even know to find out? It didn't make sense. What history did Maize have with a casino owner? How did they even meet?

Why did Alec feel they both knew something essential he didn't?

The questions just kept piling up.

"Hey, Alec, quit spacing out out the window like a moron!" Kishan's jab woke him from his loss of thoughts.

"What?" He demanded irritably.

"I asked if the Cassandra woman was serious about the dress code or not," Kishan repeated.

Alec frowned at him, "How should I know?"

"Is it really necessary?"

"If you want to go downstairs without getting disapproving looks from all sides, then yes, Kishan, it's necessary—though you guys shouldn't plan on leaving the room anyway."

Alec looked at Maize and suddenly found himself shocked into a momentary loss for words. She had gone into the overly large bathroom, for what Alec assumed was to wash up after their whole run out on the streets the night before. But when she finally emerged she didn't look at all the same as before.

Her previous leggings and old clothes were gone, replaced now by an elegant looking black dress. A sleeve extended over her left shoulder, but her right was left completely bare. The dress then followed her curves down until it flowed looser at the waist, with an open slit that ran from her lower thigh, all the way to the hem which brushed just above the floor. The entire thing was made of a silky material that seemed to shimmer with a silver sheen in the light. Her combat boots were gone as well, in their place, a pair of sleek silver-strap heels decorated with subtle rhinestones along the sides.

Her hair had been done up in a high ponytail, which left her long hair to sweep along the bare skin of her back where the dress left open. A clip of some sort—silver and shiny—was also added within the hairband, to give the style a polished and more completed impression.

She looked good, Alec thought.

"Keep staring like that and your jaw might drop completely," Kishan whispered from his left.

Alec sent him a glare to shut the hell up before he decided to walk over and punch him.

Kishan ignored him and whistled playfully at Maize. "So, who's the lucky fella you plan to impress tonight?"

"What do you mean we shouldn't leave?" Alec questioned at the same time, eyeing her up and down inquisitively. "Where are you going then?"

Maize shot a bored look at Kishan and then turned to him. "Not that I answer to you, but I'm only going down to talk to Cassandra," she answered pointedly, the look in her eye warning them not to bother her about it anymore.

If Alec knew any better, he would say she was pissed about being in those heels.

Then she left without another word, and they let her go without any more questions.


She resisted the immense urge to tug at the uncomfortably clingy fabric of the dress as she was exiting the elevator back down to the ground floor. This kind of attire wasn't exactly what Maize was used to—nor would she ever consider it a preference of hers. Nothing she currently had on was.

Her heels clicked against the tiles of the floor as she strode in the particular direction of the bar. Somehow, she knew that's where Cassandra would be waiting for her.

And as expected, there she was. Casually twirling the olive in her martini as Maize reached her and took the open bar stool at her side.

Cassandra smiled at her fresh appearance and signalled to the bartender, "Marco, another drink for mi amiga here please." The man nodded in acknowledgment and began making the preparations.

In a few short moments, a second martini glass was set on the coaster in front of her.

"On the house, Blades," Cassandra purred with a smile as she sipped her own.

But Maize didn't reach for the drink.

"I didn't come down to swallow down liquor and you know it." She cut straight to the chase. "So, now that it's just the two of us, tell me, why did you say you were looking for me?"

Cassandra got the hint and refrained from the distracting fiddling with her glass as her smile fell to a more neutral expression. She then raised the martini and tipped the contents elegantly down her throat, before she sighed, "I was hoping you could do me a little favour."

"What kind of favour?"

"Oh nothing really...I was just hoping you would be able to help me out with a certain difficult someone..."

Maize caught the hint behind her implying tone, and this time she narrowed her eyes. "I told you, C, I don't do that anymore."

Bringing it up was a mistake.

"You misunderstand what I mean. I never said I wanted you to...well, you know..." She made a subtly sweeping gesture across her throat. "I just need you to find out who the little pain stealing from my Casino is and deliver a warning, of sorts. That's all."

"And your countless force of hired bodyguards can't do it? You had to specifically think of me?" Maize inquired skeptically.

"Let's just say my men have had a hard time finding the soul. Besides, if I were to order one of them to confront him, it could lead to some...unwanted backlash for my establishment. These people are supposed to feel free to steal from each other all they want, I don't care. But, when they steal from me, well, I can't let them get away with that..." she smiled into her drink. "Your services came to mind. So, what do you say? For old time's sake?"

Maize crossed her arms, "I'll do it as a payback for helping me and the guys out," she said, before she gave the casino owner a hard look. "But definitely not for old times sake."

A smile crossed Cassandra's face as she held her glass out to Maize in acknowledgment, tipping it towards her. "Whatever gets the deed done, Blades."

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