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Kate Marshall

Finally, finally we pulled up to the back of our hotel in Amsterdam late into the night.

I need to get him alone. I've been dying to talk to him.

The edibles had worn off a few hours ago and as it got late everyone started to spread out on the bus. I fell asleep for a bit. But now that we're here, I'm thinking of how Niall and I were cut off this morning and I'm wide awake. I hope he is too.

We unloaded and headed for our floor of the hotel. Will passed out keys and read off room numbers.

Niall gave me a glance and I knew he was thinking the same thing. Ten minutes after I got settled there was a knock on my door.

Sure enough, there he was. He looked sleepy and sexy and I wanted nothing more than to pull him to me and kiss him. But after his reluctance yesterday, I'm gun shy.

"I never thought I'd see sweet little Katie high."

I laughed. "Me neither! But I felt the pressure from Louis."

"You've never been one to get pressured into much before," he said.

"True." Why did I give in? I didn't like that his comment sounded a lot like "you've changed" even though his tone was nice. Have I changed?

"Did you have fun today?" Niall asked me.

"I did! But I've been looking forward to talking to you." I started walking further into the room asking him to follow me. This hotel room has a little sitting area so I went for the couch and he joined me.

"About what?" Niall played oblivious.

"Nothing in particular." I was coy for a minute, then gave in and pulled him to me, his lips meeting mine like it was the most natural thing in the world.

His hands again went safely to my waist. I'm burning for the Niall who took charge and took what he wanted from me!

"Katie, I really do want to talk," he mumbled against my mouth.

"Okay." I do too. Eventually. But not more than this. Talking means explaining my actions and I'm not sure I know how.

"What's changed? What's going on?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I replied.

"I don't mean I'm complaining! But I'm trying so hard here not to fuck this up again."

"Fuck what up? What is this exactly?" I'm genuinely asking. I'm not accusing him of anything. I want to hear in his words where he thinks we're headed.

"You know this thing is more than just hooking up. You know I couldn't fake all that for your family." The look in his eyes was sincere.

"Well I hoped it but how could I know it?" He looked at me as if he was begging me to read his mind and hear the things he wouldn't say. My voice was shy and quiet when I spoke again. "We said no feelings and yet every time I was with you I felt so much," I admitted.

The sweetest smile covered his face and he leaned in to kiss me again.

But I stopped him after a moment. "Does it mean that much to you though?"

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