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Kate Marshall

"So I've been thinking," Niall mumbled, all too casual. It's like he thinks if he pretends it's not a big deal, I will believe it's not.

"Niall, I'm busy." I turned down the creamer he tried to hand me. I'm stubborn enough to go without if it means it will get me away from him. I'm determined to stay mad until I get an apology. He made a fool out of me the first time my parents decided they wanted to learn more about my life and visited me.

"I was thinking how you should just let this go. You were emotional and I had been drinking a bit and we should just put it behind us." I crossed my arms and just stared at him. "Come over tonight."


"Kate, come on. How long are you going to be mad? I was having a little fun. It's not like it hurt you and it went right over your parents' heads."

"You can't admit when you're wrong, can you?"

"I wasn't wrong," he said.

"But you were."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Kate, I'm very sorry that I didn't think about how it would hurt you." He stared at me trying to look innocent and I glared back, trying to decide if that was a sincere apology. I held my glare for a couple seconds more but finally I felt my anger slipping away. Unless someone does something so insanely horrible, I can't stay super angry without starting to feel bad.

"Maybe I can let up a bit," I mumbled.

"We're getting there!" Niall grinned.

"Well I better get back into the studio before someone comes to get me," I said.

"Can I see you tonight?" Niall asked. He sounded oddly...desperate?

"Niall, I don't think that's the best idea."

"Kate, please."

"I'm not sure I want to continue our little..."

"Not that. We can just hang out. Please, Katie?"

I thought for a moment. He seems sincere. Plus, maybe I've frozen him out for long enough. It was a joke he didn't realize I'd react so harshly to.

"Okay," I agreed. "But at my place, I don't want to get out tonight. And I mean it, we're just hanging out."

He put his hands up. "Hey, I'll take what I can get."

I tried not to smile but couldn't help it. "See you tonight, Niall."

"I'll be there with Thai food in hand." I scrunched up my nose. "Pizza?" I shrugged. "Sandwiches?"

"Turkey club please!"

Niall laughed at me. "Sounds good." He cleaned up his trash and grabbed his tea to leave. "So have you forgiven me yet?" He was giving me his best smile.

"Maybe." I grinned at him but I'm still considering making him sweat it out a bit longer.

I spent the rest of my time in the studio distracted. Was this a good idea? I always end up mad at him but I'm always sad when I stay away.

I was trying to record a couple of the songs we'd finished writing but they could all tell I was distracted and were getting restless because of it. I need to focus here.

"Kate, I think you've lost sight of why we're here."

"I'm sorry. I promise I'm excited, I just am a little distracted today."

"You don't say," Jake muttered. Okay, sass.

"I understand," Anne said, almost apologetically. "We just need to give you some good news to get you motivated again."

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