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Niall Horan

Last night started off exactly as I expected it to. I walked in with Hanna or Anna or whatever her name is and then we promptly separated and I wasn't mad about it.

I said hi to the boys and found a drink. The food was shit. Well that's harsh but it was just insanely fancy and that's not what anyone honestly wants to eat when they're drinking.

I passed some time hanging with friends and drinking until my "girlfriend" for the night came over with her manager or something and he said they needed pics of us together and thought the bar would be good. Yeah, cause that won't look staged as fuck.

But I went without fuss because she's just trying to start her career the way most people do and it's not like I didn't agree to it.

Before I even saw her, I heard Kate's laugh at the bar. It's such a joyful and intense laugh and not at all ladylike, which is what I love about it.

But I kind of hated that it was genuine. Who is this tool in the suit making her laugh? Surely she can see right through him. Who the fuck wears that to a party anyway? Guys who want to pretend their parents' money makes them way more important than it actually does, that's who.

We took some pictures and I kept glancing over at Kate. She was laughing plenty and really flirting. I hate this guy.

I don't know what it is with Kate. I'm just comfortable with her. I don't feel the need to push her away or leave right away like I do with most girls.

When I asked Kate to come with me to grab a bite to eat, it really was because I was hungry. I didn't want to go alone and I knew her company wouldn't annoy me like so many others do.

Plus, it would keep her from the douchey guy so it was a win win.

We were having fun last night. She's one of those people who's just fun to be with, she always has been. It was actually one of the best nights I'd had in awhile. We were just eating and hanging out in that tiny, dumpy, hole in the wall and we were laughing so much.

Going out anymore usually means pretending to hang out with some girl for publicity. It gets old. People whose goal in life is to be famous for being attractive? Typically pretty bad company.

So it was nice to get away from that for awhile. I thought we were having a great time and would maybe have a couple beers at one of our places after. I didn't mean anything by it. Well not intentionally but it's hard not to flirt a little. But seriously, I didn't have any expectations. I just wasn't ready to call it a night.

But then Kate cut it off. She told me she couldn't and wouldn't ever. Because I'm the hooking up type and she's not. Because she regrets the time we've spent together. It felt like she had punched me in the gut and even now as I'm thinking about it I can feel that pain all over again.

Why did I ever have to sleep with her? Why did I ever go along with the no strings thing? Clearly she was falling apart and not acting like herself. Why did I ruin everything?


It's Monday morning and I'm back in the studio. Kate and I haven't spoken since the other night.

"Alright guys, we're in the process of finalizing your tour schedule," Al, one of our managers, was explaining. "It's going to be the shortest tour of your life but the busiest. We're packing in a good amount of shows, they'll be massive stadiums, but it'll barely last more than a month. How's that sound?"

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