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Kate Marshall

This breakfast of blueberries and granola is not cutting it for me. But it's all they're letting me eat here at the label's photography studio. I'm waiting for my hairdresser to come in and hopefully make me look good for the album cover shoot.

My mind keeps drifting back to Niall and I's conversation last night. It really felt like he had someone in mind when he mentioned how hopefully some big love story of his is closer than he thinks.

I wonder who he's talking about. He's got to have someone in mind.

Because I apparently can't learn from experience, I have that little thought in my head that maybe...

No. There's no way he could've been talking about me. We were friends, and then friends with benefits, and now friends again. It's never been anything on a deeper level. There's never been more.

But maybe there could be?

Nope. There's no way he wants that with me. I could name a thousand other people that he would want more than me.

And why would I even want him? We've established that anything more than an innocent friendship is toxic, apparently.

I don't even know what I want right now. I can't start thinking like that.

But maybe...

"Long time, no see, gorgeous!"

"Jess!" I popped up and hugged her. "How've you been? What's new? I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too! I haven't seen you since the Brits!"

"I haven't done anything cool since the Brits! At least not anything I needed to be made up for."

"Sit, sit. It's time to work. God, I've missed dressing up these beautiful green eyes of yours. Have you ever thought about going blonde?"


"It'd look amazing with your eyes."

"Something to think about." I laughed at her. Jess talks so fast, I swear she never takes a breath.

"Now please tell me you're completely done with that loser boyfriend of yours." She started patting foundation all over my face.

Loser is harsh but she's probably just trying to make me feel better about that being over. "Connor is history."


"Haven't talked to him in months."

"Good. You're too good for him."

Someone new, early thirties, came in with a full tote bag. "Hi, Kate. I'm Maddox. I'm doing your hair today. How do curls sound? I think they'd look perfect with your longer hair."

"Hi! Big, loose curls?"

"Yes and with lots of volume. That's what I prefer."

"Sounds perfect! Thank you."

"So any new boys since Connor?" Jess pried.

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