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Niall Horan

We were back on the bus again, this time headed to Brussels. Like usual, we're traveling late in the night. It's easiest anyway since we have bunks and can sleep on the trip. But everyone is still gathered at the back of the bus hanging out for now.

Kate had changed into her PJs which was really getting to me. They're very comfy looking pajamas, not sexy or revealing, but she just looks cute. It's so dorky and just like her to change into them as if this bus is some big slumber party.

Everyone was worn out from the day and just droning on their phones with short side conversations here and there.

"Anyone want to play cards?" Kate asked.

"Just any card game?" Louis asked, sounding confused.

"Yeah. Gin rummy?" Kate suggested. "I brought a couple decks of cards," she said as she started digging through her bag. "But we have an odd number so that's not ideal..."

Harry grinned and looked around the room seeing if anyone was as amused as he was. He wasn't the only one silently laughing. What a dork. But a cute dork.

"I feel like I'm on a road trip with my gran," Louis said.

"Well fine, we need someone to sit out anyway since we have an odd number."

Kate looked up around the circle expectantly and found she didn't have any takers. Harry finally let out a chuckle and when she looked at me I just shrugged.

"Okay, bad idea." She started stuffing the decks back in her bag and blushed deeply. "I didn't know I was road tripping with such serious musicians," she kidded with a mock tone of extreme professionalism in her voice.

Her blushing was killing me. It made me think of when we first started hooking up and she was more reserved, constantly pink in the cheeks and reminding me how she's "never done the casual thing" right before dropping to her knees.

For someone not used to the casual thing, she sure was good at it. Or at least it seemed like she was until I found out it was messing with her so bad. It feels like a gut punch every time I think about how hurt she was.

I want her again, I do. I just really think it'd be good to take things slow this time. Not too slow. Just slower than before. Which won't be hard at all considering last time was like a race to the finish line.

I'm shit at relationships but being less selfish seems like a good place to start. But it's still frustrating not quite knowing how to be less shitty at them.

"You know what, I'll play cards with you," Liam said, pulling me from my thoughts.

"You don't have to. It was a stupid idea I guess."

"No, I want to! I've played tons of gin with my dad."

"Okay." Kate's smile brightened at that and she pulled a deck out and started shuffling. None of the rest of us joined but we stayed back there hanging out with them for a bit longer.

They seemed to be having a good time and I tried not to think anything of it. Obviously it's an innocent game of cards, and of course I want Kate to gel with the guys so she enjoys her time on this tour.

Water Under the Bridge ›› n.h. matureKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat