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Kate Marshall

"'ve you guys been?"

My parents arrived twenty minutes ago and things have been awkward to say the least. First I gave them the tour of my tiny place, and that only took about two minutes, and then we settled in to eat the meal I cooked for us, nearly in silence.

They're trying hard to be supportive but they also definitely feel guilty that there are all these things about my life they're just now learning.

"Good. We've been really good," Mum said. "But we've been missing you. I'm sorry we were being so harsh."

"You're here now." I smiled and my mum seemed a bit relieved. But I didn't say it's okay because it's not. I'm still cautious about these two.

"So when did you find out you had a talent for writing? You never mentioned it," Dad said.

"I've had a journal of ideas for years but I just got the courage to show it to my writing team at the label a few months ago. They think I'm decent for a beginner."

"That's great," he said.

"Any boys?" Mum asked.


"Seriously? Even now that you're getting all famous?"

"No boys. Mum, I'm not even remotely famous, I have one popular song." I was brushing off the compliment out of embarrassment but I did appreciate her genuine kindness. "Plus, people could decide they're sick of this song in a week."

"Well don't be so negative about it," she said.

I wanted to say, "You mean like you guys were the whole first year of my career?" But I bit my tongue.

The unmistakable sound of my front door knob rattling caught my attention.

Oh shit. Please, no.

I heard the door swing open and I didn't have enough time to process before a voice could be heard from the entryway.

"I don't know about you," Niall said, not quite to the kitchen yet, "but I have had an exhausting day and I could use a good, long," he walked in and recognition crossed his face when he saw my parents, "chat with the Marshalls!"

His eyes were wide and he looked nervous but also it wasn't the worst save to his sentence. He stood there awkwardly holding a six pack of beer.

"Niall?" Mum asked. "How've you been? I barely got to talk to you at the charity auction. It feels like it's been years since I've seen you! Well in person at least."

"Hi, Mrs. Marshall. How are you?"

My dad got out of his seat. "Niall," he shook his hand, "good to see you."

"Katherine was just telling us that she isn't dating," Mum said. "Katherine, why did you say that?"

"I'm not dating. Niall and I aren't dating," I repeated, trying to figure out a way out of this. I'll just say we're friends. We are friends.

"Kate, baby, why would you say that?" Niall asked before leaning in and kissing my temple, one arm around my waist.

What the heck? I looked at him confusedly.

"Oh, come on. Don't be embarrassed!" Niall laughed it off and took his arm from around me.

"Excuse us for a sec," I said. I looked at Niall to tell him to follow me then went into my room.

Water Under the Bridge ›› n.h. matureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon