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Kate Marshall

"Do you want to head back to the hotel?" Henry asked.

"Now?" The boys start performing in two minutes. I don't want to miss it.

"Yeah I figured we'd head back early. The bus is taking you all to Vienna overnight so we won't have time to talk otherwise."


"We don't have to," he said.

"No, I'd like to. But I learn every time I watch the band. Especially considering my shows with them might be numbered." I gave him a pointed look. I'm mad about today's conversation.

"Okay, we can wait until later. But I want to talk with you before our next meeting with the whole team."

"You're going with us to Vienna too?" I asked, kind of surprised.

"Considering today's meeting didn't accomplish anything, I'm pretty sure I will be. If not Vienna, I'll meet up with you all in Oslo."

I looked at him, trying to decide if a glare would be good to show him my anger, or if I'd just make everything harder on myself.

"Kate, I wanted to say I was sorry." Surprise must have crossed my face. "It's not fair to you that I'm on the label's account considering we..." Henry let that trail off.


"It was a huge opportunity for me. Selfishly I couldn't pass it up."

"I'm glad your job seems to be going better," I said. Work trouble was why he was drinking on the night we ended up hooking up.

"Thanks, Kate. I appreciate that."

He left to head back to the hotel and I stayed behind to watch the show. I felt relieved that I unintentionally bought some time. I need to think through how to handle that conversation.

The show was amazing as usual and it wasn't long before we were all shouldering duffels and loading onto the bus to drive through the night to Vienna.

I didn't feel like hanging out with everyone. Not after today's conversation with the legal team. Liam caught my eye and looked shy all of a sudden. Has he heard their plan too?

I wasn't the only one who didn't want to stay up chatting. Brussels to Vienna was going to be a long one compared to the legs we'd traveled so far and I think everyone wanted to pass it with sleep. I heard the bunks fill up and phones get set down for the night shortly after.

I was still a little wound up from the day's events. I wish I could escape it by falling asleep immediately but sleep wasn't coming.

Soft snores were coming from one of the bunks. It was a quiet snore though, not an annoying one. I wonder who it is. It doesn't sound like Niall.

Maybe a half hour had gone by when I heard footsteps. I was closer to sleep but still conscious. Then Niall was sliding into my bunk with me, his arms finding my waist and his head joining mine on my pillow. I knew it was him immediately. Of course it was him. Who else would it be? But already the feel of his body and the smell of him is so familiar.

I turned to snuggle into him, feeling for how he would react. Would his arms tighten or would he stiffen, regretting his moment of vulnerability?

They didn't exactly tighten but his fingers did soothingly start scratching up and down my back. That was a perfect reaction to me.

I took it as my okay to face him. I leaned into him and pressed a kiss to his lips. Silently, as silently as possible, he kissed me back. Our lips moved slowly and cautiously out of not wanting to make any noise.

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