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Niall Horan

Kate was a foot away from me, sleeping peacefully.

I think that might be the first time the other side of this bed has been used.

I sleep around, that's for sure, but I do not have girls come over here. I also don't spend the entire night with them.

I go to their place, we fuck, and I leave. So this right now is new territory.

I also don't usually go so overboard with the foreplay. But last night was different. I wanted to kiss her so badly so then once I finally did, it seemed like a waste to move on to the sex too soon.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I sound like a girl.

Kate rolled towards me and I couldn't resist, I wrapped my arm around her. The feeling of her body against mine makes me want her again.

God the sex was incredible last night. Like seriously, insanely, mind blowingly incredible.

I've gotten so used to it always being the same. I can't exactly put into words what was so different but I liked it.

She started to stir so I closed my eyes and pretended to still be fast asleep. I don't want her to take this the wrong way. I'm not going to cuddle all day or some shit like that. I have things to do. So best to have her not know how much I'm enjoying having her lying in my arms.

I drifted back to sleep for I'm not sure how long and then my alarm was waking us up.

She yawned and stretched. "Good morning," she mumbled sleepily.

"Hey." I tossed Kate her t-shirt. "I've got to go. I have shit to do."

"Okay." She sat there a second and yawned again and then it hit her. "Oh! Okay. Sorry." She climbed out of bed and started getting dressed. Did I upset her? I can't tell.

"I don't do the whole breakfast in bed, spoon all morning, talk about last night for hours bullshit," I explained.

"And what makes you think that's what I wanted to do?"

"I didn't. I was just saying." I grabbed my keys and she took the hint.

"For the record, I have shit to do too." She walked out. She didn't necessarily seem mad, just taken aback by my harsh tone. I probably should've been nicer.

I just am in such a habit of doing this. After I hookup with someone, I do my best to make it super clear that I don't date so they better not even try. Kate is different because we're kind of becoming friends again. I guess that's why I shouldn't have slept with her. But fuck, I couldn't resist.

I pulled up to the studio after dealing with the ridiculous traffic for way too long. The guys and I are rehearsing for the tour and writing for a new album.

"Hey!" Harry grinned at me as I walked in. "You look exhausted."

"Thanks a lot," I said with thick sarcasm.

"And grumpy. Storm keep you up?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. Something like that.

"Lads!" Louis said as he and Liam walked in.

"Hey, guys!"

"Alright," one of our producers started saying. "We need to pick a setlist. Here are roughly thirty songs we need to pare down to about twenty."

"Only twenty?" I asked.

"We knew you would say that so there's wiggle room."

Harry laughed at me. "You're like negotiating with a child."

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