Chapter 56: Getting kidnapped was fantastic.

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

The past few days have been the best. Adam and I had a lovely dinner with my family on Friday. Before that, I asked him not to say anything about us being together to my mother because she's going to start acting crazy.

Adam wasn't happy about the fact that I was trying to hide our relationship but he agreed. I told him that Mae and Austin know cause they saw it on my Snapchat.

Mae and I even talked about it a little when I went to her room. I'm glad that she's older now and I can trust her to keep my secrets. For once, it's nice to actually talk to her. She even told me about the guy she likes.

On Saturday, Adam and I went on a picnic. It was amazing and while we were eating he asked me if I would go anywhere in the world, where would I want to go and I told him Machu Picchu. The next thing I know, I'm not even kidding we were on our way to the airport and heading to Peru.

"Are you serious?"

"Well, it's Sunday tomorrow." He said like that explained it all.

"Yeah, but do you have a plane on standby or something?"

"Yes, I do." He answered and when I look at him in shock, he added, "I work all over the world, you know so, in case of emergencies." He explained with a shrug.

"Okay, cool. That's cool."

"Why are you so tense?"

"I'm not." I lied.

"We can go another time if you want."

"No! I want to go. It's just very spontaneous, I'm not used to that."

"Get used it to then. We have the money and I wanna give you the world." He says. "As much I can."

"Okay," I tell him, feeling shy. "Thank you, Adam," I add which he replied with a kiss.


"Inhale deeply."

I suck in the air.

"Now, slowly let go. Not just the air but allow all the tension in your body to leave." The shaman says.

Yes, I'm with a shaman. Not with Adam. It's been 3 days since we came back from our little trip to Peru. He's been so busy with work, we haven't been able to spend much time which each other. I miss him a lot and that scares me sometimes. We sleep in the same bed and have we've had at least two meals together in the past 3 days but somehow that still isn't enough for me. I've become so attached very quickly. I hope he hasn't noticed though nothing really goes past him. Even if he has, he hasn't said anything so I guess that's a good thing, right?

I do what the shaman says. I breathe the tension out.

"This is stupid," Brian whispers beside me.

"Shh." I snap, refusing to open my eyes.

"Allow yourselves to connect," Miko says.

"Absorb each other's energy."

"Now think about your happiest memory together and allow yourself to smile."

"What the fuck?" Brian speaks again. We're not allowed to speak!

Emily organized this as a group activity for all of us because she believes we haven't been spending a lot of time together. I know Adam would disagree. He thinks we're always together which is kind of true because if I'm not with one friend then I'm with the other and if not, it's a group.

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